Florida Today from Cocoa, Florida (2024)

FLORIDA TODAY, Thursday, December 14, 1989 7C 3 2 Magic challenge Jordan, Bulls SPACE COAST SPORTS CALENDAR GMttlewtSfVio pavotlt Pts PRO BASKETBALL Remaining tree agents AMERICAN LEAOUE BALTIMORE (1) Keith Moretand, at Mark Thurmond, Ihp. BOSTON (1) x-Greg Harris, rtw Joe Price, Ihp. DETROIT (I) Charles Hudson, rtip. KANSAS OTY I Bill Buckner, lb. MILWAUKEE (1) Ed Romero, 2b; MMNESOTA (1) Wally Backman, 2b; x-Cer men Castillo, or, Shane Rawlev.

Ihp. OAKLAND (1) Chris Bando. x-Maft Young, Ihp. Rk Leach, ot x-Cralg McMurtrv.rhp. TOwoerrn Today's schedule 7 Mm.

College basketball: Nobrssk at CrefoMon (ESPN) Pro basketball: Orlando at Chlcawo (Ch. 48) 1pm. College basketball: Tutsa at Kansas Stat (ESPN) College basketoafl: Idaho at Washington State (ESPN) less, Let Maizlll.ot. NATIONAL LEAOUC ATLANTA (1) X-Oarretl Evens, lb. OHCINftATI 111 Dave roaim an nu x-Joel roungblood.

ol. HOUSTON (5) Bob Forsch, rho; Greg Gross. Who: Orlando at Chicago. When: 8:30 tonight. What-: Chicago Stadium Talavlalon: WKCF (channel 68).

Radio: WLRQ-AM (1350) and WWNZ-AM (740). Probable atartart for Orlando: Mark Acres (6-foot-11 center), Terry Catledge (6-8 forward), Jerry Reynolds (6-8 forward), Reggie Theus (6-7 guard) and Sam Vincent (6-2 guard). Probable starters lor Chicago: Bill Cartwright (7-1 center), Scottie Pippen (6-7 forward), Horace Grant (6-10 forward), Michael Jordan (6-6 guard) and John Paxson (6-2 guard). Last time out: Orlando lost Tuesday in Milwaukee, 106-103; Chicago beat Dallas at home Tuesday, 105-97. Game notes: Orlando is 8-12, having lost five of its last six games Chicago is 12-7 The Magic are 3-7 on the road, the Bulls 8-1 at home Chicago is led by Michael Jordan.

He averages 32.5 points a game best in the NBA. Horace Grant and Bill Cartwright both lead in rebounds (8.2 a game) Terry Catledge leads the Magic (21.6 points and 9.4 rebounds) Merritt Island's Will Perdue averages 2.8 points a game for Chicago Reggie Theus and Nick Anderson will rotate a shooting guard. That also means guarding Jordan, who takes 26 percent of his team's shots Tonight's game is a homecoming for four Orlando players. Anderson played at Illinois and lives in Chicago. Theus, Dave Corzine and Sam Vincent all used to play for miuoen, mw x-uan er, Ihp; Scheme LOS i x-jwwi snemr.

or; x-Tudor. Hid; Ihn John Bo Schembechler's career record lanerrotiei Damaso Garcia, 2b. Astronaut at Lake Marv: St. Cloud at Florida Mr Academy (7 Merritt wand at Satel- Team 1963 Miami, Ohio 5 3 1 1964 Miami, Ohio 6 1 1 NEW YORK (II Don Aase, rhp. PHiLAOELPHIA (D bob Oernler, of.

IT. LOUIS(l)-Leon Durham, lb. uv nurwn Rockkjdge at Merritt liland. Tlluivllte at Eau 't dw orvniy, DOD Knepeer, Ihp; Mike Krukow, rhp; Pat Sheridan, Gallia, Vara Beach at Cocoa, SaMWIa at Astronaut, Palm Bay at Cocoa Beach. etranaccai TttusvIHe at Cocoa: RockMoe at Eau GaHle: Satellite at Cocoa Palm Bay at 165 Miami, Onto 7 11 1966 Miami, Ohio 9 1 0 1967 Miami, Ohio 4 4 0 IM4 Miami, Onio 7 10 1949 Michigan 110 1970 Michigan 1 0 1971 Michigan 11 1 1972 Michigan 10 1 1 973 Michigan 10 I 1 1974 Michigan 10 1 1975 Michigan (10 1976Mlchtgan 10 1 0 1977Mlcfgan 10 1 0 1971 Michigan 10 2 0 Today 10V, Charlotte Indiana 3 CHICAGO 14 Crlanrjo COLLEGE BASKETBALL Today CREIGHTON Nebraska VCU Brsrjtey Kansas St.

5 Tulsa PRO FOOTBALL Saturday N.Y.GIANTS....11VJ Dallas Denver 7 PHOENIX Sunday INDNPLS NL Miami KANSAS CITY 7Vt San Dksto Minnesota IVj 3Vt Houston DETROIT 3 Tampa Bay PITT 3 England CHICAGO Green Bay SAN FRAN 6V1 Buffalo Washington oV ATLANTA LA RAMS 11 N.Y.Jets LA 1 SEATTLE Monday Philadelphia IVi NEW ORLEANS COLLEGE FOOTBALL BOWL GAMES Saturday INDEPENDENCE BOWL At Shraveport, La-Oregon 11 Tulsa Monday, Dc 25 ALOHA BOWL Al Honolulu Michigan St 8 Hawaii Trtursday, Dc 21 ALL AMERICAN BOWL At tstmvingham, Ala. Duke 4 Texas Tech LIBERTY BOWL At Memphis, Ttnn. Air Force 3V Mississippi Friday, Dec 29 HOLIDAY BOWL At San Diego, C4K. Perm State 2V BYU Saturday, Dec. 30 JOHN HANco*ck BOWL At El Paso, Texas Texas AIM S'i Pittsburgh Astronaut at Cocoa Beach; Cocoa at Mel bourne; Palm Bay at Eau Gen vara Beach at RoduMoe.

Wednesday's NBA box scores Lakers 102, Heat 75 LJL LAKERS (121: Green 4-15-511 Wnrmv tne Buns. Cocoa Beach at Astronaut; Melbourne at Cocoa. Eau GalUe at Palm Bay; SateDM at Merritt Island; Rockledgeat Vara Beach. 10-17 1-1 21, McNamara 3-9 7.1 1. johrKnnA.il 7-9 11.

Scott 5-12 2-2 12. Dlvar 4-7 run 11 Class 4A state chamolonshio at Davlona Cooper 1-71-2 3. Drew 2-4 0-0 4, Woolrldge 2-3 3-3 7, Bucknall 2-4 0-04. Totals 40-M 21-24 11X Beach Municipal Stadium (7 JO P.m.). 1979 Michigan 0 4 0 19 Michigan 10 1 0 1981 Michigan 9 3 0 1 917 Michigan 14 0 Michigan 9 10 194 Michigan 4 6 0 19t5Mlchlgan 10 1 1 19MMIchlgan 11 2 0 1907 Michigan 14 0 im Michigan 9 1 1 19)9 Michigan 10 1 0 MIAMI (75): Long 1-8 1-2 1 B.TIvomoson s- Palm Bay.

Florida Air Academy. Merritt Minnesota 89, Detroit 61 MiNMgSrjTA I HI ftunnn LIS 1-1 16 lUvut Island at Satellite; Rockledoe at Astronaut. 15 1-2 17, Seikaiy 7-11 1-2 15, Douglas 2-40-04, Sparrow 2-4 0-0 4, Edwards 4-12 0-1 8, Rice 4-110-0 6, Frank 1-4 0-0 2, Cummlngs 2-5 0-0 4, Sundvokt 1-6 0-0 3, Banner 1-2 0-0 2, Davis 1-1 HHH 4-971 Girts soccer Martin County at Merritt Island; Metjoume Total 114 64 I 7-14 4-4 19, Shlkenlanski 2-4 0-0 4, Lynch 5-12 1-2 II, Newborn 6-11 7-1 19, Metcaif 1-20-0 1, Martin 3-61-17, Lewis 1-31-2 3, Green 0-2 0-0 0, Tubos 2-20-04 Totals 35-71 16-21 19. at Lyman. Utah at Idaho; Colorado St at Montana: Arizona St.

at N. Arizona; Nevada-Reno at Oregon; Vegas al Pacific u. Seattle at Portland; Stephen FAustin at San Diego. San Francisco at Stanford, Wright St. at US.

International; San Diego SI. at UC Irvine; Utah at Weber St. Sunday TOURNAMENTS Championship or Lobster Shootout. MIDWEST UCLA at Notre Dame. FAR WEST Louisiana Tech vs.

Ark. -Little Rock at Tokyo. Washington at UO Santa Barbara. (5-11-0) LA. Lakers Miami 22 24 29 2712 2 II 16 19 71 Dtrrrtorr (in wmuem 4- tun i 1 FeJnIaoah I Angeles 1-4 (Johnson 1-1.

lace 3-7 2-4 1, Buszka 4-64-412. Smith 5-14 2-3 13, Wood 2-6 0-0 6, Nichols 0-5 0-0 0, Aaron 1 -4 0-0 2, Kelley 2-5 1-2 6, P. Williams 0-4 0-0 0, Neves 1-2 0-1 2, Grant 0-00-0 0, Manor 1-2 2-2 4, Bell 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 21-65 11-16 61. State Championships Green 0-1, Scott 0-1), Miami 1-4 (Sundvotd 1-3.

Rice 0-1). Fouled out None. Rebounds Los Angeles 50 (Johnson 10), Miami 43 (Selkary ID. Assists Los Angeles 24 (Johnson 1), Miami 19 (Douglas 6). Total touts Los Angeles 14, Miami 20.

A 15,006. BASEBALL: Clint Hurdle's Big League Experience baseball camp, ages 8-19, Dec. 19-; 23, 27-31, Cocoa Expo Center, SR 520, Cocoa. Cost: $325. Commuter Camp, Jan.

13-14. Information: 254-7013. Eau Gallie and Melbourne High Schools i varsity alumni benefit game to raise funds for the baseball programs. Information: 951-8583, 724-6994. Space Coast Stan Musial league registra-; tion, six-week winter league.

Fee: $25. Infor-i mation: 951-8583. South Beach Little League is looking for adults to help. Information: 768-0414. BASKETBALL: Titusville YMCA Youth Bas- ketball League registration, today through Dec.

29, league begins Jan. 6, YMCA Building, South Park Avenue, Titusville. Fee: Information: 267-8924. North Brevard youth basketball registration, grades 3-8, Dec. 16, Cuyler Recreation Center, Mims.

Cost: $12. Information: 269-8170, 268- 5602. i North Brevard adult league meetings, Dec. 18, Cuyler gym, Mims; slow break league, 7 i p.m.; fast break league, 8 p.m. Costs: slow break $160 plus trophy fee; fast break $160 sponsor fee plus $160 player fee.

Information: I Brevard County Parks and Recreation will sponser a men's slow-break league. For Information: 636-7558. BILLIARDS: Couples 8-ball tournament, i Dec. 19, 7:30 p.m., Sparky's Family Billiards, 1528 Harrison Titusville. Entry fee: $10.

Information: 267-9568. BOWLING: Miller Lite National Doubles tournament qualifying, Dec. 17, 31, 1 p.m., Dec. 27, 6 p.m., Brevard Bowling Center, Mel-' bourne. Fee: Information: 723-7400.

Miller Lite National Doubles Tournament qualifying, Sundays, 8:30 p.m., Shore Lanes, Merritt Island. Entry fee: $22 per team. Information: 452-8880. Pro Bowlers Tour Pro-Am Tournament (Feb.) entries now available, Shore Lanes, Merritt Island. Cost: Spectator tickets also available.

Information: 452-8880. CYCLING: Space Coast Freewheelers, Tour of Port St. JohnIRC, 40 miles, Dec. 17, 9 a.m., shopping center near Burger King, Port St. i John.

Information: 783-1 196, 784-2025. Space Coast Freewheelers, Christmas Party Ride, Dec. 24, 9 a.m., Fort Christmas. Information: 783-1196, 784-2025. EQUESTRIAN: Florida Walking and Rack- ing Horse Association Fun Show, Dec.

16, 11 a.m., Wickham Park, Melbourne. Information: 254-2192. Halftlme Minnesota 37. Detroit 32 3-onlnt Favorite Pts EAST goals Minnesota 3-5 (Bond 1-1 Burton 1-2, Lynch 0-1, Metcaif 1-1), Detroit 4-14 1 Neves 0- 1 970 Rose Bowl: Southern Cat 10, Michigan 1972 Rose Bowl: Stanford 13, Michigan 12. 1976 Orange Bowl: Oklahoma 14, Michigan a.

1977 Rote Bowl: Southern Cal 14, Michigan 6. 1971 Rosa Bowl: Washington 27, Michigan 20. 1979 Rose Bowl: USC 1 7, Michigan 10. 1979 Gator Bowl: N.Caroline 17, Michigan IS 1 901 Rose Bowl: Michigan 23, Washington 6. mi Bluebonnet Bowl: Mich.

33, UCLA 14. 19S3- Rose Bowl: UCLA 24, Michigan 14. 1904 Sugar Bowl: Auburn 9, Michigan 7. 19M Holiday Bowl: BYU 24, Michigan 17. 1914 Fiesta Bowl: Michigan 27, Nebraska 2X 1907 Rose Bowl: Arizona SI.

22, Michigan 11 Friday Merritt 76ers112, Hawks 103 Saturday Houston at Northaastenv fjuquesna at Pittsburgh; Towson SI. at St. Francis, Pa. SOUTH Baptist Coll at Alabama; Alcorn St. at Delta St; Arkansas St.

at E. Kentucky; St. Thomas, Fla. at Fla. international; wmthrop at Howard Austin Peay at Louisville; S.

Mississippi at Marshall; Cleveland St. at Middle Term; South-em Cai CMI. at Murray St; Clemson al N.C. anrni 1-1, r. niiiiams o-x 5.

Williams 0-1, Wood 2-5, Nichols 0-1 Kelley 1-2). Fouled out Martin. Rebounds-Minnesota 52 (Bond 10), Detroit 27 (Lovelace, Buszka 5). Assrsts-Mln-nesota 22 (Newborn 7), Detroit 15 (wood 5). Total fouls Minnesota 20, Oetroil 19.

A 4,81 1. Brad. 10 Miami Carol City ATLANTA (in): Wllkins 15-26 7-9 38. Willis 5-14 1-1 II, Malone 1-7 1-2 3, Webb 4-8 2-2 10, Rivers 4-15 3-3 11, Levlngslon 2-4 0-0 4, Koncak 1-31-2 3, Carr 5-107-817, Tonev 1-2 2-2 4, VMkov 1 -3 0-2 2. ToMs 19-91 24-11 13.

mmuam 1 980 Han of Fame: Michigan 21, Alabama 24. 1909 Rose Bowl: Michigan 22, USC 14. How the APTop 25 fared PHILADELPHIA (112): Bark lev 5-10 13-16 23, Mahom 3-4 4-7 10, Gmlnskl 5-9 0-0 10. Dewkms 11-23 1-1 23, Hawkins 9-11 7-8 27, Anderson 7-13 1-1 15, Thornton I -2 0-0 2. Smith NFL standings AMERICAN CONFERENCE East Pet.

FF FA 1-2 ihg 2. ratals 42-aj za-n i tz. TENNIS Atlanta 24 22 29 11 JJ 27 21 33111 cnanone; lennessee at south Carolina; lexas-San Antonio at stetson; Loyola, IK. at MIDWEST Capital at Cent. Michigan; Southern u.

at Onannatl; Idaho St. at Drexel at Iowa; Bowling Green at Michigan St; Oeighton at Mo -Kansas City; NE Illinois at Northwest-em; Robert Morris at Ohio St; Purdue at Wichita SI; E. Illinois at xevler. Onto. Ohio U.

al Youngstown St. soijTHwesT fJethuno-Cookman at Arkansas; Tennessee Tech at Sam Houston SI; New Mexico St. at Texas Tech. FAR WEST Seattle Pacific at Arizona St; Fullerton St. at Colorado St; North Texas at Long Beach St; Texas-Arlington al N.

Arizona; Centenary at New Mexico; Stanford at Santa Clara; Utah St. at Utah. WtTA Buffalo I 4 0 .57) 342 296 Miami I 1 a sn 294 310 Indianapolis 7 7 0 .500 250 147 Mew England 9 0 .357 267 339 N.Y.Jerj 4 10 0 J84 239 33e Through Dec II 1, Steffi Graf, 51,963,905. 2, Martina Navrafl-tova, 11.215,414. 3, Gabrlela SabatlnJ, 1-FWM goals-Atlanta 1-6 (WUkkn 1-3, Rivers 0-1.

Webb 0-2), PMIadeipnia 2-5 (Hawkins 2-4. Smith 0-1). Fowled out Kon 4, Zlna Garrison, 1590,653. 5, Arantxa Sanchez, cak. Rebounds Atlanta 55 (Willis 12), Phila 9 5 443 330 327 7 6 1 SH 207 217 7 7 0 J00 322 249 7 7 0 J00 206 294 Houston Cleveland Cincinnati Pittsburgh delphia 52 (Berkley 12).

AssistsAtlanta 21 (Webb 9), Philadelphia 25 (Dewkms 9). Total tstds-Atlanta 21, Philadelphia 21. TedKe-case-fwiadetphla Illegal defense A 8448. 1 Louisiana Tech (4-0) did not piay. 2.

Tennessee (5-1 did not play. Stanford (3-0) did not play. A Georgia (5-0) did not ploy. ilowa(4-l)dtd not piay. A Tekas (4-1) did not ptav.

7. Auburn (4-1 1 did not piay. I Long Beach State (3-1 did not play. 9. North Carolina State (6-1 did not May.

10. Purdue (3-1 did not piay. 11. Stephen F.Austin (4-0) (Nd not piay. llvVglnia(6-lldldnolpiay.

IX UNLV (5-1 0M not play. 14 Maryland (6-2) did not piay. 1 5. Washington (3-1 did not play. 1ALSU (6-1) did not piay.

17. Mississippi (6-1 did not play. IX Vandy (9-1 beat Georgia Southern 95-61 19DePaul(4-l)dldnotplav. 20. South Carolina (3-2) did not play.

21. St. Joseph's (3-1 did not play. 22. Tennessee Tech (4-1 did not play.

21 Old Dominion (3-3) did not play. 14. Hawaii (5-0) OM not play. IX Southern Mississippi (6-0) did not May. x-Oenver 10 4 0 .714 309 207 LA Raiders 0 .571 201 240 Kansas City 7 4 1 406 278 242 Celtics 109, Sonics 97 FREEDOM BOWL At Anaheim, CaUt.

Washington 2Vi Florida PEACH BOWL At Atlanta Georgia l'i Syracuse GATOR BOWL AtJackmvIHe Clemson 7V. Virginia Surtday, Dec.31 COPPER BOWL At Tucson, Artt. ARIZONA 7 N.C State Monday, Jan. 1 HALL OF FAME BOWL At Tamp Auburn S'i Ohio St FLORIDA CITRUS BOWL At Orlando Illinois 3Vi Virginia COTTON BOWL AIDaJUl Arkansas 7 Tennessee FIESTA BOWL At Ttrto, Ariz. Florida St Vfi Nebraska ROSE BOWL At Pasaoxrna, Cairl.

seam 6 10 act 711 281 SanOlego 4 10 0 .286 227 261 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East SOUTH Mississippi St. at East Carolina; Samford at Florida St; Coastal Carolina at Georgia Tech; Furman at Kentucky; McNeese St. at Mississippi; Nkftolls St. at Morehead E. Tennessee St.

at N. Carolina St. Augusta at South Florida; N.C.-Wilmington al Wake Forest. Philadelphia 10 4 0 714 291 230 Y. Giants 10 4 0 .714 299 235 Washington I 6 0 J71 326 270 Phoenix 5 9 0 J57 244 309 Dallas 1 13 0 .071 194 351 SEATTLE (97): McKey 6-14 0-0 12, McDantol 7-17 1-2 15, Cage 3-9 1-2 7, Ellis 14-33 1-3 33, McMillan 3-7 0-0 Sellers 1 -5 0-0 2, Threatt 2-4 1-3 7, Kemp 3-5 1-1 5, AJohnson 2-3 2-2 6, Poiynlce 0-10-0 0, Barros 2-5 0-0 1 Totals till) 10-1397.

BOSTON (189): Bird 17-27 4-4 40. Ptnckney 3-4 8-814, Parish 2-8 1-1 5, D.Johnson 2-10 2-2 6, Paxson 7-12 0-0 IS, McHele 5-106-8 16, Kkdne 0-3 3-4 3, Gamble 7-5 3-4 7, Upshew 1-1 1-1 Tetatt 19-86 S-32 109 Minnesota Green Bay Chicago Detroit A43 305 231 .571 302 311 -429 330 311 357 240 333 .357 291 155 Melbourne Tampa Bay Miami schedule 2 22 21 27- 97 26 25 2 16119 ssev.ovs. e. Helena sukova, Jane Novoma. 5430,896.

0, Pern Shrtver, 1775,41 S. 9, Larlsa Savchenko, 1250,122. 10, Natalia Zvare-va, 1242,543. VirgMa Slims points 1, Steffi Graf, 7,120. 2.

Martina Navrotnova, 4,915. 3, Gabrlela Sabatlnl, 4, Zlna Garrison, 3,220. 5, Arantxa Sanchez, 2,815. 6, Helena Sukova, 2,165. 7, Monica Seles.

1,830. 8, Jana Novoma, 1,747. 9, Manuela Maleeva, 1,724. 10, Chris ATP men Through Dec II 1, Ivan Lend), 2, Boris Becker, 52,216,623. 3, Stefan Ednerg, 11,66191.

4, John McEnroe, 1946,023. 5, Brad Gilbert, 1900,841. 6. Michael Chang, 5682,130. 7, Aaron Kricksfeln, 1582,651 8, Alberto Mancim, SS10.430.

9, Anders Jerryd. UtiMl 10, Andre Agassi. 1478,901. Orand Ffbi eeiess 1, Ivan Lenta, 9,031. 2, Boris Becker, Stefan Edberg, 4,355.

4, Brad Gilbert, 4,696. 5, John McEnroe, 4.367. 6. Michael Chang, 3,591. 7, Andre Agassi.

3,439. 8, Aaron Krkkstekv 3,424. 9. Alberto Mandril, 2,415. 10, Jay Bergar, 2J25.

1, Ivan Boris Becker, 189.9167. 3, Stefan Edberg, 150.8571. 4, John McEnroe, 112.8333. 5, Michael Chang, 89.0667. 6, Brad Gilbert, 85.8235.

7, Andre Agassi, 82.8571. 8, Aaron Krkksteln, 70.1667. 9, Alberto Mandnl, 604706. 10, Jay Berger, 51.7778. AUTO RACING NASCAR Final 1, Rusty Wallace, 4,176.

2, Dale Earnhardt, 4,164. 3, Mark Martin, 4,053.4, Darren Waltrtp, 3.971. 5. Ken Schroder, 3,786. 6, BID Elliott.

3,774. 7, Harry Gam, 3,410. 8, Ricky Rudd, 3408. 9, Geoff Bonne, 3400.10. Terry Labonte, 3,569.

through Saturday at 7:15 Mateiees are scheduled tor Tisesday, Thursday and 51vrday at OfKIMBER: 16-ALABAMA, 19-Arizona 0 .157 395 243 0 -643 364 310 0 JOO 315 275 0 .114 225 375 x-SanFrandsc 12 1 LA. Rams 9 New Orleans 7 7 Atlanta 3 11 x-cHnched Ovtslon title at Tucson; 17-29 Eastern Airlines Palm Beach Classic Miami, Lehigh, West Virginia, Boston uaiege. JANUARY: 1 Georoe Mason at Fairfax. SEVENTH GAME 7 John-Gerardo 1X40 11.00 10.40 3 Bentarren-Revnotds 6.00 10.40 e-Carv-Beltran 4J Va 6 South Florida at Tampa; 1 KANSAS' 11 BROOKLYN COLLEGE; 15 IffHiifffiP, Washington at Seattle; IB FLORIDA STATE: 28 ARIZONA STATE; 0 Notre Dam at ooutn ttena ji uereut at uucago. Brevard leagues USC 2 Michigan ORANGE BOWL At Miami Notre Dame IVi Colorado SUGAR BOWL At New Orleans Miami 9 Alabama Homteamincapi e-Fetot wall ti little 3-11 (Ellis 1-8, Barros 1-2.

McKey 0-1), Boston 3-7 (Bird 2-5, Paxson 1- 1, D.Johnson 0-1). Fouled am None. Rebounds Sea me 50 (Ellis, Cage 9), Boston 59 (Bird, McHele 1 1 Assists-Seattle II (McMillan 7), Boston 32 (O Johnson 12). Total touts-Seattle 24, Boston 22. TochmrohJ Mrflantel, Seattle Illegal defense.

A 14.890. Cava 99, Bucks 93 MILWAUKEE (91): Roberts 9-15 9-10 27, Slkme 1-1 2-2 4, Anderson 1-40-02, Robertson 6-13 2-7 14, Humphries 7-11 1-1 16, Breuer 0-1 0-0 0, Pressey 1-13 1-1 17, T.Brown 3-4 3-4 9, Komet 0-2 0-00, Hortord 0-00-20, Dunleavy I-1 1-2 A Totek) 14-74 26-29 91. CLEVELAND (99): Williams 4-10 4-4 12. Bennett 2-9 5-7 9, Oudtev 4-91-2 9, R. Williams 2- 10 3-4 7, Prkx 3-11 5-4 IX Ehlo 4-8 0-0 8.

Nance 13-19 5-4 31, Mokeskl 0-5 0-00, Kerr 2-4 3- 3 6, Keys I -2 2-2 4.Totaet 35-47 27-H 99. FEBRUARY: 1 MERCER; North Carolina at Chapel Hilt 18 Davidson at Charlotta; 11 CENTRAL CONNECTICUT STATE; 14 DePAUL, 17 Florida Slate at Tallahassee; 19 FLORIDA, 11 Providence at Providence, R.I- 24 SOUTH FLORIDA, 17 GOLF: Bent Oak Golf Club Member-Guest HAKIUJKU. Tournament, Dec. 16-17 Bent Oak Golf Club, Titusville. Fee: $200.

Information: 269-GOLF. MARCH: 1 TULANB FLORIDA Florida State schedule GYMNASTICS: Christmas Gymnastics ii 14 a nn 21 22 16-9 a (3-7) 544.40; 11 (7-J-l) I15VS.ID EIGHTH GAME 5 Reynolds 7J ti 000 1-Davle 4.40 280 3 Armando 3.20 (1-5) 133.20; 12 (5-1-3) 1307 JO; SuP NINTH GAAAE 5-Benlemln-Aldecoa 16.40 9 20 1.20 7 Aia-Coro 0.00 0.00 3 Goitl-Mlnger OHO (5-7) 545.00; 12T (5-7-3) 11195J0 TENTH GAME 3 Akn-Andnt 90 1020 740 3 4uglas-Syers 0 00 0.00 5 Ala-Armando 7.40 (2-3) 133 8tV 12 (3-2-5) 5356 00; piC-6: 3 ot 6, 1140. carryover lackpot 55000 00 ELEVENTH GAME 4 ZuU-Arrnando 0.00 860 260 1 John-Jose 8.60 2.20 2 Menokxt-Gerardo 3 20 0(1-4) M2J0, 12 (4-1-2) 1322.0ft Win cons 1 to win 51X80 TWELFTH GAME 5 Carasa 5.20 2.40 0.00 3 Beftran 2.40 4.40 4 Gerardo 2.H0 a (3-5) 530 00; 12 (5-3-4) 1227 60; 00 cons 6144.90 THIRTEENTH GAME 4 Ale-Beltran 26.20 2.80 2 90 1 Oscar-Jose 2.80 0 00 7 Zubl-Trelo 3.80 (1-4) 111.00; 12 (4-1-7) 1304 80; DO (5-4) MAE 14 at South Florida; 19 -SAMFOKD; 22 STETSON; 27-29 at ECAC Holldav Festival (NX. Slaw, Seton Han, Rhode Camp, ages 6-14, Dec. 27-29, 10 a.m.-noon Travis Recreation Center, Cocoa.

Fee: $9 Information: 636-7558, 632-0914. island). 1. Rusty Wallace. 52,237,950.

2, Dale Earnhardt. 11432,230. 3, Darren Waltrtp. 11,312,479. 4.

Ken Schroder, 11,037,941. 5, Mark Martin, Jl.OlS.SM 6, Bill Elliott, 1853,170. 7. Terry Labonte, 1703,806 6, Davey Allison, 1640,956. 9, Harry Gam, 1619,792.

10, Geoff Bodint, 1619,494. CART 1, Emerson Flttlpaldi, 11,712,571. 2, Rick Mears, 1689,684. Al Unser 1878,071. 4, Michael Andrew, 1713,043.

5, Raul Boesel, 1634,121. 6, Mario Andretti, 1622,364. 7, Scott Pruett, 1604,096. 8, Teo Fabl, 1582463. 9, Danny Sullivan, 1553,734.

10, Bobby Rahal, 1542424. Under 1 4 Competition Leeaue Ovaral Team Titus, Lions 6 0 1 9 11 SB. Kickers 5 0 3 7 1 3 Ml. Express 5 4 0 6 7 0 E.G. Explosion 4 4 1 4 11 mdStlng 15 1 -411 G.M.

Challengers 15 1 3 9 1 V.B. Strikers 0 10 0 12 ltn1lejtW1 i OMWbMOM Rock. Starters 6 0 0 13 0 Lions 3 11 9 3 1 Ml. Gunners 1 4 0 6 7 0 TIM. Blast 0 5 1 4 11 SB.Scorplons 10 3 10 1 Ind.

Force 4 14 114 P.B.Lkms 4 3 3 7 3 3 TIMS. Wolverines 3 3 4 6 3 4 G.M. Challengers 4 4 1 14 1 E.G. Explosion 4 5 1 4 5 1 RockSteelers 3 4 1 4 4 1 Ml. Crossfires 0 10 0 1 11 0 Uador-IIConstwtlltoa Cobras 4 2 0 6 4 0 Warriors 4 11 5 7 1 Titus.

Strikers 3 3 1 4 7 1 G.M. Challengers 14 1 19 1 E.G. Explosion 15 1 1 10 1 JANUARY: 1 at South Alabama; 4 -TULANE; 4 SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI; 8 JACKSONVILLE; 11 at Cincinnati; 14 t-Petot goals Milwaukee 1-4 (Humphries 1-1, Slkme o-l, Robertson 0-1, Pressey 0-1, Komet 0-1, T.Brown 0-1), Cleveland 2-11 (Price 2-7, Kerr 0-1, F) Williams 0-2, EMo 0-1). Fouled awl Ehlo. Rebounds-Milwaukee 44 (Robertson 7), Cleveland 60 (Dudley 15).

As-slsts Milwaukee 23 (Robertson 10), Cleveland 20 (Price 6). Total touts Milwaukee 24, Cleveland 26. Techmreh Milwaukee Illegal defense, Cleveland illerool defense. A 13,331. Mavs90, 'Wolves 87 LUUISVIU.E; 18 at Miami; 2 SOUTH CAROLINA; IS MEMPHIS STATE.

27 at RUNNING: Space Coast Runners 1- and mile run or walk, today, 5:15 p.m., east end of Virginia ecru 31 at southern Mississippi. FEBRUARY: I Syracuse, at Orlando; 6 at Louisville; 6 Cincinnati; at BOWLING N. 3rd Street, Cocoa Beach. Information: 784 Memphis sate; 17 MIAMI; 2 at Tutane, ze vikunia i tut; zs akkansas. i Space Coast Runners Va-, 1-mile, and 10K MARCH: 1 af South Carolina (ESPN); 8-11 syv.oD; super cons (-l-7-a) 1271.70 131012 Metro loumamoni, at tsuoxi, miss.

Florida schedule Through Dec 1 1, Mike Autbv, 5295,515. 2, Amleto MonaceHI, 1193411 3, Del Ballard, 5111433. 4, Pet Weber, 8149,108. 5, Dave Ferraro, 6134,585. 6.

Brian Voss, 1132,270. 7, Tony Westlake, II 15,130. 1. Parker Bohn III, 11 12.330 9, Randy Pedersen. 1107432.

10, Jess Stayrook. 1107441 FIRST GAME 1. Madden-Jimmy 2. D'Amato-Scott Urtxeta-Femando A Goitl-Syers I Alex-Yogi 4. Douglas-Eddie 7.

Cary-Mlnger Coie-Coro SUB-Oscar-Aidtcoa SECOND GAME 1. Cole-Eddie 2. Urbieta-Jimmy 3. Alex-Minger 4. DAmato-Coro 5 Cary-Gotrl 6.

Maooen-Alde-coa 7. Douglas-Yogi Gom-Scon SUB- Tranl-Syers THIRD GAME 1. D'Amato-Femando 2. Cme-Mlngar Goltl-Yogi 4. Alex-Eddie 5.

Oouglas-Coro 4. Cary-Jlmmv 7. Urbieta-Peclna 8. Madden-Syars SUB- Aramayo- Scott FOURTH GAME 1. Madden-Yogi 2.

Gottl-Pedna 1 UrDleta-Scott 4. D'Amato-Don 5. Aia-Setten A Tlno-Armanoo 7. Benlamin-Aklecoa Cole-Jose SUB- John-Reynolds FIFTH GAME 1. Carase Reynolds 2.

Jonn-Andrr Oscar -Davie A Douglas-Gerardo 1 Zubi-Treio A MenoTbe-Jose 7. Trani-Don Aramayo-Bei-tranSUB-Aia-Syers SIXTH GAME 1. Douglas 2. Syers 1 Ala 4. Setien Don A Scott 7.

Armando Cary SUB- Pedna SEVENTH GAME 1. Tram-Andre 2. Mendtoe-Setien 1 Zuoi-Rey-noids 4. Aramavo-Pecina 1 Oscar-Trek) John-Gerardo 7. Carv-Beltran Car esa-Armando SUB- Beniamln-Jose EIGHTH GAME 1.

Davie 2. Alex 1 Tlno 4. Mendlbe 5. Tranl A John 7. Beniamin 8.

Jose SUB- Armando NINTH GAMF 1. Goltl-Coro I Cole-Scott 1 AH-Femanoo A Madden-Pecina 5. Alex-Jimmy 6. TTno-Setien 7. Beniamm-Syers Urbieta-Aldecoa SUB-DAmato-Minger TENTH GAME 1.

Cary-Don 2. Dowilas-Armando 3. Alex-Syen 4. Benlamln-Setlen 5 Zubl-Aldecoa 6. Aia-Da-vle 7.

Trani-Pedna Tino-Andre SUB- GoM- DALLAS (9): Dantlev -17 5-6 21, Perkins 3-7 2-2 1, Donaldson 1-70-06, Blackman 9-17 3-2 20, Harper 7-12 2-2 14, Williams 4-9 4-8 12, Davis 2-4 1-2 6, White 0-1 1-11, Jones 0-3 0-4) Totals 16-79 17-2496 MINNESOTA (17): Corbin 3-114-410. Mitch-Hi 5-13 7-8 17, Lohaus 9-190-0 19, Campbell e-13 6-4 19, Lowe 1-4 1-3 Murphy 2-4 0-2 4, Richardson 2-1 0-0 4, West 3-7 0-0 6, Royal 1-5 1-4 5 Tones 12-84 11 -31 17. run or walk, Dec. 17, 8 a.m., Wickham Park, Melbourne. Information: 724-2923.

I Space Coast Runners Ultramarathon, 31 miles, Dec. 24, Sidney Fischer Park, Cocoa. Information: 727-0289. DECEMBER: 14 at Texas; a SOUTH FLOR DA Z7-ZI Suoer Bowl. Flar.

Ida vs. La Saue el New Orleans, (21 consolation rjo p.m., LnampionsnirJ rjB pml 26 25 28 9-91 24 21 24 16-67 JANUARY: 1 at Mississippi; 1 GEORGIA; 11 at Kentucky; 11 AUBURN. 17 TENNESSEE; 21 Mississippi Slate; 24 World Cup VANutKBiLi; at Louisiana state; 31 oUuucK: Space Coast Soccer Club is looking for serious, dedicated players, ages 16 atAiaoama. Last week's results Under-14 ana Under 11 results Lions 1, Blast 1 (tie) Steeters 7, Gunners 1 Express 1, Challengers 0 (forfetl) Explosion 1, Sling 0 (knell) Kickers 9, Strikers 0 Llonsl.StrtkersO(torelt) IMUr-lIandUnoer-ll reuxti Warriors 0, Challengers 0 (tie) Strikers 0, Explosion 0 (lie) Force 3, stealers! Explosion 2, Challengers 1 Scorpions 5, Lions 1 Wolverines 4, Crossfires 0 FEBRUARY: 1 MISSISSIPPI; 4 at 1 Point oeali Dallas 1-3 (Davis 1-2, Harper 0-1 Minnesota 2-7 (Campbell 1 -2, Lohaus 1 -X Richardson 0-2). Fouled out- None.

Re-Oeunos Delias 50 (Perkins 10), Minnesota 59 (Mitchell 11). Assists Dallas 18 (Harper 5), Minnesota 14 (Lowe 6). Total touts Dallas 19, Minnesota 19. Technicals Perkins, Dallas coach Adubato. A 30,187.

Georgia; la at Georgetown: 12 ken and older, year-round competition. Informa tion: 631-0691, 768-0634. TUCKY; 14 at Auburn. 17 at Tennessee. 11 MISSISSIPPI STATE; 24 at Venderbllt; 27 LOUISIANA ST ATE.

Satellite Beach Youth Soccer Club general Wadna day's quaMyeit resuts (After 24 games) 1 Gary Verbruggen, Belgium 5,234. 2, Darold Meisel, United Slates, 5,120. 3, Kenneth An-dersson, Sweden, 5,092. 4, Franz Mann, Austria, 4,977. 5, Slmo Vahakorpele, Finland, 4,947.

6, Salem Monsuri, Qatar, 4,932. 7, Paeng Neoomuceno, Phllllplnes, 4,872 8, Mohd. Kall-fa, Emirates, 4451. 9, Nobuyukl Takahama, Japan, 4,853. 10, Bernd Bauhoter, West Germany, 4400.

MARCH: I ALABAMA; 1-11 SEC Tournament in 15-16 NCAA First elections and parents meeting, today, 8 p.m., Round; 22-25 NCAA Regional; 11 NCAA Satellite Beach Recreation Center. Informa- final hour. a la CAPS tion: 773-6458. ELEVENTH GAME Brevard Olympic under-12 state cup team trvoutsclinic, Hoover Junior High School Schedule Thursday EAST Wednesday's transactions AUTORAONO fields, Dec. 16, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Dec.

17, 1-4 p.m Fee: $25. Information: 777-3824. 1. Ajamayo-Don 7. Oscar-Andre 1 Aia-Treto A MenoTbe-Gerardo Tino-Bettran A Carasa-Davie 7.

Zubi-Jose John-Revnolds SUB-Tra-ni- Armando TWELFTH GAME 1. Reynolds 2. Gerardo 1 Beitran 4. Oscar CarasaAZuhl7 Aramayo 8. Trek) SUB-John THIRTEENTH GAME 1.

John-Jose 2. Zubi-Anore 1 Carasa-Treio A Beniamin-Gerardo 5. Metxlbe-Davle A Trani-Bettran 7. Oscar-Armando Aremavo-Reynolds SUB-Tlno-Setien Hofstra at Brooklyn New Hampshire at Massachusetts; Coootn St. at CART Announced mat the contract of John (After Ciehteames) 1, Danlela Lena, Italy, 1,796.

1, Martina Beckel, West Germany, 1,766. 3, Patty Arm. United States, 1477. 4, Pascale Moynot, France, 1,656. 5, Karl Fattand, Norway, 1.597.

6, Fartda PacoM, Netherlands, 1,595. 7, Chnsla Kischbaum, Australia, 1,584. Sari Yrtola, Finland, 1 ,557. 9, Arianne Cerdena, Philippines, 1 ,550. 10, Connie Gonsalves, Canada, 1,541 Tryouts for Greater Melbourne under-14 Capontgro, president, svttl not renewed.

Named John Cepeis executive vice preslaant lounry; uesftwar Monmouth, N.J. SOUTH Challengers State Cup team, Dec. 16, 9-11 and chief operating officer. BASEBALL American League a.m., Suntree Spyglass Field, Melbourne. Georgia St at Centenary; Shore at Coll.

of Charleston; Onto u. at E. Kentucky; Campbell at East Carolina; HarrJn-Slmmons al Georgia Southern; Youngstown St. at Morehead BOSTON RED SOX Re-signed Mike SmUh- Information: 259-8328. v.

oraowy at va. common wealth MIDWEST Nebraska at Crelgnton: Tulsa at Kansas St. FAR WEST son, pitcher, to a one-year contract. Re-signed Dana Klecker, pitcher, and purchased his contract from Pawtucket of the International League. Signed Jeff Stone, outfielder, to a contract with Pawtucket of the International SOFTBALL: AAA Winter National Furman at Chamlnane: Mki Trwi ei Daytona Beach Arizona; Weber St.

at US. Iritarnattonal; Idaho Qualifier, Dec. 16-17, Airport Ball Fields, New CALIFORNIA AM04H-IS Signed Lance aw rrasmngron at. IAAF top athletes of 1989 perrlsn, catcher, fo a three-year oontract. OAKLAND ATHLETtCJAoreed to terms with Jamie Quirk, catcher, and Scott Sander First round Capitol City Classic at Sacramento, Calif.

(Grarnbling St. vs. Carolina UC Davis at Sacramento St Uxik FtRAT GAME 4 Golfl-Yogl 20.60 5.40 2 80 3- Maaton-Eddb 3.70 3 20 6 AMx-Syers 4.40 (3-4) 16X20 12 (4-3-4) 5723 80 SECOND GAASE 1 Gofll-Coro 11.40 5 00 460 D'Amato-Ferrsindo 5.00 200 I UrtHeta-Scotl 4a0 (2-4) 117JK 12 (2-4-1) 1221.60 DO (4-2) H5J0 THtRD OAJwE 4- Atox-Minger 22.20 7.40 2.80 7 Douglas-Jimmy 6.00 4.80 1-Goltl-Syers 2.60 (4-7) 182.20 12 Twfn-Tri (4-7-1) 1586.60 FOURTH GAME 1 Tlno-Ferrsando 1X40 5.00 3.00 7-Ala-Scott 7.20 5.00 4-aeniamln-Yogl 100 (1-7) 139 00 12 (1-7-4) 1385.60 Jackpot Carryover 12055 00 FIFTH GAME 4 Aia-Treto 1110 4 00 2.10 l-Ararnayo-Rynoldt 540 2.20 5 Oscar-Don 2.10 Q(l-4) 137 Jll (4-1-5) 1901 .60 SIXTH GAME 7-AUecoa 20 3 8 80 510 6 Armando 12.40 0.00 3 Fernando 940 0(6-7) 166.40 12 7-4-All S3 54 40 Plc-3 1-of JO SEVENTH GAME 7 Carasa-Revnoids 10.40 12.00 0.00 5 Aramayo-Gerardo 640 0.00 3 John-Pedna 4JB 0(5-7) 15040 S2 (7-5-3) II 57 SO EIGHTH GAME 5 MenoTbe 9.20 9 40 4.80 7 John 940 3.00 4- Arrnando 2.40 0 5-7) 146.40 12 (5-7-4) 162100 SUP (5-7-4-3) 1300 JO NINTH GAME 1-Gottl-Scott 9J 2.60 3.00 3-Tlno-Eddie 7.0) 0.00 2 co*kf-Coro X00 0(1-3) 134.2012 (1-3-2) MIOJO TcoeVs nsoknos intrtss FIRST GAME 1. ryAmato-Eddle 2. Gotn-Mlnger 1 Cole-Jimmy 1 Maddtn-Coro 5 Douglas-Syers 4.

Cary-Scolt 7. Alex-Fernanoo Urbieta-Yogi SUB-Ala-Aldecoa SECOND GAME 1. Orbtete-Mtnger I Cote-Yogi 1 Gotlt-Feman-do A Cary-Eddle 5. AJex-Aldecoa A Oouglas-Coro 7. Madoen-Scott I DAmato- Jmmy SUB-Tlno-Syers TIMDOAME 1.

Mtxtden-Mlnger 2. Urbleta-Eddle 1 D'Ame-to-Syers 4. Cole-Pecina 5. Cory-Yogi A Douglas-Fernando 7. Gottl-JImmy 1 Alex-Coro SUB-Mendlbe-Scott FOURTH GAME 1.

Gom-Aldecoa 2. O'Amato-Arrnando 3. Col-Setlen A Tino-Scott 5 Beniamln-Peclna A Madden-Oon 7. urHete-Jose Ala-Yogi SUB-John-Reynokts FtFTHvMUwE 1. Zubi-Benran I John-Jos Trani-RevnokH A Mendbe-Don Dougias-Treio A Carasa-GerardD 7.

Aramayo-Oavl Oscar-Andre SUB- Tmo-Syars SIXTH GAME 1. Fernando 1. Scott Douglas A Cary Armando A SetUn 7 Don 1 Ala SUB- Plena SEVENTH GAME 1. 7-PerJna I Jotet-ReynoKs 1 Tram-Armando A CarasA-Setten 5. Oscar-Beltran A Aramayo-Andre 7.

MenoTbe-Treto Cary -Gerardo SOB- Beniamln-Jose EK244THGAA4E 1. Tino 2. Davie 3. Beniamln A Alex Zubi Reynolds 7, Jose 1 Tranl SUB- Armando NINTH GAME 1. Coie-Syers Urbieta-Coro DAmalo-Alde-coa A TinJ)mmv Benjarnin-Fernando A Ala-Pedna 7.

Alex-Scon Gom-Sehsn SUB-Maaoen-Minger TENTH GAME 1. AIx-Arrnndo Tranl- Svers rjouglas-Oon A Ale-Aloeco John-Setien A Benlamln-Andre 7. Tlno-Oavt Carv-Pecln SUB- GohV son, pnener, on one- year conrracrs. i Smyrna Beach, fee: per team pius i approved balls. Information: (904) 423-0953.

i North Brevard polar bear league begins in January, organizational meeting, Dec. 19, 7 Classic at Chicago (Howard U. vs. Tennessee 1. Roger Kingdom.

United States, 1 457 points. 1. Said Aoutta, Morocco, 1 ,571 Javier Solomayor.Cuba, 1,511 TEXAS RANGERS Signed Tom Grieve, vice president and general rnanagar, fo nrea'year contract extension. m. cent, i-tonoa at MtOWEST SI.

Louis at Illinois; Rollins at Wisconsin. FAR WEST CHICAGO CUSS Announced they WW no) i p.m., uuyier community uenier, Mims. inior mation-969-8170. 268-5602. VAneOulrot, Cube, 1,731.

1. Paul Ivan, Romania. 1 456. Sandra Farmor-Patrlck, Untied States, I47X St. Mary's.

Cal vs I miMena. Tmi a Ttwwn- oner a contract to Pet Perry, prtcher. Washington at Portland; San Jos St. at MONTREAL EXPOS Signed Cava oamauara. Wednesday's scores EAST Brockport St.

Houghton 78 Fredonla St .84, Roberts Westoven 71 Georgetown 92, SI. Leo 51 Kings Point 71, Staten Island 50 Marlst 72, Fairfield 61 20T Medgar Evers 125, CCNY 101 N.J. Tech 92, Southampton 74 Potsdam St 19, Clarkson 77 Ramapo 80, Keen 72 Seton Hall 79, Rutgers 74 St. Bona venture 72, Niagara 62 Stockton St. 86, Wm.

Peterson 60 Worcester Tech 82, Anna Maria 64 Wright St. 94, St. Francis. NY 80 SOUTH AHen at Catawba, ppd. snow Ga.

Southwestern 87, Columbus 80 Mercer 64, Augusta 58 Webber 96, Edward Waters 74 American U. 71, Wichita St. 71 Ball St 69, Valparaiso 62 BerxMlctlne.Kan. 76, Ottawa, Kan. 71 Kenyon 58, Marietta 57, OT Minnesota 19, Detroit 61 Mount Marty 78, westmar 48 Rose-Hulmen 91 Eartham 47 VKerbo 74, Luther 47 Welsh 105, Dyke 44 Wis.

-Green Bay 67, Michigan Tech 57 SCkJTMWEST Houston 69. Stephen Austin 56 TartetonSI.79,W!levSl Wednesday's box scores Georgetown 92, St. Leo 51 ST. LEO (51): Taylor 2-140-04, Augustine 1-11 2-2 II. Copher 2-7 0-1 4, DeBelMte 1-5 0-0 Green 5-15 5-7 11 Slader 2-2 0-0 4, Brooks 0-1 0-0 0, Angektos 0-0 1-2 1, Mlcholskl 0-1 0-0 0, Coakley 0-1 0-00, GanOV 1-2 0-0 Totals 21-46 8-1251.

04KM4rroWH (91): Tata 1 -3 3-4 5, Mutom-bo 7-10 1-4 IS, Mourning 4-12 5-413, Bryant 2-3 2-5 4. Tmmon 5-13 3-5 13, Edwards 3-7 3-4 9. Trxsrnoson 3-4 0-0 4, Jefferson 2-3 1-1 1 Stoudemlre 2-5 0-0 4. Bel 5-7 1-3 11, Satol 1-1 2, Jones 1-2 1-2 Venn 0-1 0-00. Tatatt 15-7I22-M92.

Helfnrne Georgetown 38. St. Leo 21. Three-point goals St Lao 1-4 (OeBellorie 1-2, Green 0-2, Augustm 0-2), Georgetown 0-3 (Bryant 0-1, TlUmon 0-1, Tate 0-1). Fouled out-Conner.

Rebounds St. Lao 27 (Taylor 7), Georgetown 47 (Mutombo 17). Assists St Leo I (Green 4), Georgetown 19 (Edwards 4). Total touts St. Lao 27, Georgetown 14.

A 1744. Houston 69, S.F. Austin 56 Space Coast Seniors softball league (over Stivredi, Pitcher, to a one-year contract. NEW YORK METS Stoned Orlando Merca- 55) is interested in adding a MeioourneKaim do, catcher, to a fiat agent contract with i TOUaiiAMENTS Championship or. Capitol Or Classic Mc Landon Classic idewater of the international League.

Bay team, information: ota-tdif. ST. LOUtS CARDINALS Agreed to terms with Frank DiPino, pitcher, on a two-year First round of: Lobster Shootout at Orono, Mama (Dartmouth at Maine. Texas AlvVi vs. contract.

Senior standings BlASKETBALL TENNIS: USTAFTA Space Coast Junior Long island u.1. RAIT tournament, ages 12-18, Dec. 16-18. Fee: $15. i Information: 269-3083.

Pel. 19 11 .594 11 14 .500 IS 16 414 11 19 406 NBA Fined Stuart Gray, Chertorte forward, 55,000 and suspended him for one game, tor fighting In a game on Dec 12. Fined Byron Scott and Michael Cooper, Los Angeles Lakers guards. 12,000 and 11,000 respectively, for adding to the escalation of the altercation, and James Worthy, Los Angeles Lakers forward. George Washington at American Holy Cross at Boston College; Castteton St.

at Cent. Connecticut Dlst. ot Columbia at Georgetown; FakSMgh Dickinson at Niagara. Robert Morris at Plllsuuiyli Rutgers at Princeton; ForoTiam at Seton Hall; Manhattan at SI. John's; SI Boneventure St.

Peter's; Towson St. at Syracuse; Drexel at VtUanovA Statan Orlando City of Melbourne tournament, Dec. 16-17, Jimmy Moore Memorial Park, Melbourne. Fee: sauu tor pushing way. $10 Dlus one can of balls.

Information: 259- CHARLOTTE HORNETS Signed Robert W. Palm Beech 24 9 .727 Fort Myers 16 15 .545 6 isiano at wagner. SOUTH Ken, guard waived Anore Turner, guars. Augusta at Alabama; Southern Cal Cod at 0995, 723-3566. Gold Coast 15 17 469 8V HOUSTON ROOiaTS Activated Chuck Na- St.

Lucks 6 23 .254 15 vltt, center, from the Mured est. Placed Tim rsusiwi roav; ma-t snore af Baptist conj Mercer at Centenary. Barrv at dtadet Camp Private, semi-private and group lessons iwccorrnicx. center, on me mtureo HSI. LOS AN8CLES LAKERS Activated Orlan instructed by USTA professional Dave Northey, EvMtrif nrfvjnnMKM awv hcM MwMtiJVe Wednesdey, Friday and Saturday tiiiiiiing at IM.

Matinees take alac ea Mender tax) SaturdeY el 1 ejn. Wteairtayseieiiilita resjai FIRST RACE VIA GRADE TIME: 31 SI 2 Big Busier S2SA0 63 570 1 No Go Showboat IA40 4.00 3BW'slCan tut Q(l-2) 135J0P(2-1) 51O3.80T (2-1-3) 565X00 SECOND RACE VI, GRADE TIME: Ut ISKSuzle $4.40 320 1.60 5Justrrononow 17.00 3.00 6CJKanfly 13.60 (2-5) 122.40 (2-5) MI.30 (2-5-6) 112X80 DO-(2-2) 139.40 SUP (1-54-1) 1951 AO THIRD RACE S1A GRADE TIME: 11.99 2 Battle Group 12X00 8.40 4 20 7 Country Jams tut in OEIlssa'sDream 11 jo 0(2-7) 1102.00 (2-7) 1441 .10 (2-7-4) I1015J0 POURTH RACE 7CrfstvSue 51 10 140 440 1 Repeat OTfendir SI 00 130 4 JerlacsGoGo 12J0 (7-8) MA60 (7-1) 163 90 (7-8-4) 1192J FIFTH RACE Slt, GRADE TIME: HA7 IMoreoueFondoo 1A10 100 380 2 Bk ford's Pk 15 JO 540 SHappyOebra 13.01 (2-4) 133.20 (4-1) MOJO (4-2-5) 1170.20 -(PIC 3 of 3)140420 SIXTH RACE VI, GRADE TIME: H.77 4 Dody Troubles 110.00 1.20 560 5 Dorothy's Boy 17 AO 6 20 2 Dean 15 40 0 (4-5) 19 AO (4-5) 1544 20 (4-5-2) 195X00 SEVENTH RACE 116, GRAOE TIME: 11 JS lOtrtstopher 112.00 LAO 11.40 1 Zee Sting 1160 160 IGR'sCaroxn 111.40 (1-8) I1A00 (1-1) tJOAO (8-1-1) I269J0 SUP lt-l-3-4) 1373 SO EIGHTH RACE SU, GRADE TIME: TIA6 7 HP's Staler 7J0 SOO 100 2 MC Runner 14.20 loo JHuskarBurch tug U-71 121 J0P (7-21 1493IT O-i-tl HIT AO NINTH RACE 18. ORADE TIME: JU IRarAlnlJpWml S6J0 XT 380 SJs 140 OBPsMoonJrar 1X60 (4-5) mm (-5) H9.60T (4-5-6) tMlu bell at Co, of Charleston, Miss, valley St at Delta Slj Lfceny at Kentucky; Georgia vs. Georgia Tech at the Omni; NE Louisiana at do WoMrtdge, from the allured est. Waived Mate Higgins.

forward. Cape Canaveral Recreation Center. Informa- Orlando 1 West Patm Beach 0 GoMCoesll.StfHIeraaurgO Breoereon Fort Myers 2 Today's eames WWar Haven at St. Luce) West Patm Bearh at Orlando PHOENIX SUNS Arauired Kurt RarnMa. tion: 784-9509, 783-1126.

forward, and two second-round draft picks from the Oiartotta Hornets for Armon Gilliam, Senior tennis Tuesdays; round robin dou- FOOTBALL jockson stj NVj.BatTtmor county at jecx-sonvme; Mount St. Marys, Md. at James Maossorc New Mexico at Louisville; Cleveland SI. at Marshall; Alabama St. at Miami, Fla.

tcsiwwsaw at Middle Tena Mississippi St at New Orleans; Texas-San Antonio al NtchoHs St. OePaul at North Carolina; Georg Mason at Radford; Alcorn St. at SW Louisiana; Florida St. at South Florida; Hardm-Slmmons at Stetson; Mississippi at Tennessee; Tennessee Tech at Ala -Birmingham at Vandarbllt; West Virginia at Virginia Tech; Pterher at W. Carolina.

SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS Signed Tom Hol- bles play Wednesday, team and open piay; a.m., Jimmy Moore Memorial Park, Melbourne. Fee: City court costs. Information: West Patm Beech 6. winter Haven 4 Bredenton 9, Fort Myers 5 Orlando 8, St. Lucie 2 St.

Petersburg 12, Gold Coast 7 moe, seterv. waived Mike Berber, wide recelv HOCKEY STWPHCN PJUOT1N (541: Moore 1-1 6-0 l. 259-0995. BOSTON aanuMS-Traded Bos Joyce, left Schlppers 6-13 04 17, Fleming 3-11 3-4 7, Crump 8-1 g-2 16, Williams Ml g-0 Acho*rger 2-4 0-0 A Oookty 0-0 0-0 Hottoway wing, to tne wesrtngton capitals for oava innsnan, ngre wmg. Sports Calendar items may be submitted only 2-4 l-l 5.

Tessas D-41 so. MAHTFOPO WHALERS Traded Paul MeC-Dermld, kefl wing, to the Winnipeg Jets tor Gold Coast el Orlando St. Lode at Bredenton St. Potarstjufg at west Palm Beech Winter Haven al Fort Myers Wednesday's linescores Juice 5, Tropics 0 by mail to: FLORIDA TODAY Sports Calendar, HOAISTON (49): Uochurch 1-4 0-0 4. Herrara ELITVE NTH GAME KariovuaTrahrwonn.rigrewing.

HORSE RACMO 7-10 9-10 73, Teheran 2-5 5-8 9, Daniels 2-4 0-4 A B. smith 4-13 3-612. Barnes g-2 040. Morris NEW YORK RACMO ASSOC! ATSOet An 6-11 1-1 11, Mlckens 0-1 0-2 0, K. Smah 1-1 04 P.O.

Box 363000, Melbourne, FL 32936. FLOR- IDA TODAY reserves the right to edit all material. Items may be printed no sooner than nounced that Thomas Bancroft Jr. wta step down as chairman of the board, affective Jen. twos 9- a-o o.

teaess ae-a la-zy z. II Cant. MkNoan at Chicago Dayton at Onannett Texas Southern at Drake; Murray St. at EvertsvHte, Temple at lIHnois; Butler at tMtona Stj N. towa at towa Pepperdlne at Kansas; Minnesota at Kansas Stj Michigan at MaroAietta; Oetroil at Michigan St; Bradley at Missouri W.

Illinois af Ma -Kansas City Idaho St. at N. HUnoiv Florid AAM al SW Missouri Houston at Toledo, XAvtor, Ohio al Valparaiso. tocrrHwlST NW LouKlane at Lamar; Texas-Artlnglon al SxkAham Mettw Florida al Texas. Indiana at Texee-EI Paso; SW Texas St.

at Texas-Fan American; Oklahoma St el Tulsa. FAR WEST St. Marys, Cal. vs. Arte -Little Rock at Tokyo; Wls-Green Bay at Bon St; Northrtdg St.

at Fullerlon St; Oregon St. at Gonzaaa, Hatfttma Houston 36, Stesesan Austin 16. 1-polnt goals Stephen Austm 6-1A (Schto- two weeks In advance of the event. on 608 eta 4 AUSTIN PEAY-Nemed John Palermo head pers 5-9, Williams 1-1 Flaming O-l), Houston 1. AranvjytvAmtarido 2.

CarasajJose Oscar-Revnotds A Tlno-Gerardo 5 Jonn-Treio A ZuOt-Devkt 7. Ala-Beltran Merxkbe-Andre SUB-Trani-Setien TVtTaTHvUuVe: 1. Oscar 1 Beftran John A Menotba Aramayo Cares Trek) Gerardo SUB- Zutsi THBSTEEttTHGJIMC 1. JqT -Oevie 1 BenlamaBetlnitr. Carasa-AndV A Tranl-Gerardo Aramvo-Trelo A Zuoftxm 7.

Oscar-Jos MreffVRynolds SuaiA-Armando football coach. eel mi lis 4 it 3- 3 lllanlels 7-2. B. smith 1-5. uochurch e-i CW.

POST Memed Paul RHov man's heed Ron 0-1, Barnes e-2, Morris 0-2). Fouled soccer coach. out Fleming. Rebounds SFA 40 (Honowav CORTLAND STATE Announced the resift- Bv-s. McEnanev (51.

Jones 181 and Pukxs; natlon of Dennis Kavser heed foonall coach. 9), Houston a (Upctwro 9). Assists SFA 11 (Flaming 5), Houston Smith 4). Total fouls SFA 24, Houston Technicals Hous- RonTi, Easterly (8) and Bodrr. W-Rondon.

PAGE COMPILEfyBY ERIK B. ARNESON jfr NORTHERN ARIZONA Named WHUa l-oems. rnsrrianiie, exjir. ton coach Foster. A XI69.

"Skip" Paeta III receivers coach..

Florida Today from Cocoa, Florida (2024)
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Article information

Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.