Ten Bonding Tips for Grandparents | Paradise Praises (2024)

Whether you are the grandparent of an out-of-town grandchild or one who lives in the same town or even neighborhood, it can sometimes be challenging to createa bond. You may feel at a loss when it comes to connecting with your grandkids. But there are all kinds of things you can do to remedy that, and many of them are totally free!

Ten Bonding Tips for Grandparents | Paradise Praises (1)

1. ShareHobbies

Chances are grandparents share some interest(s) with their grandchildren. Does grandpa like to work on engines or build things out of wood? Maybe he can do a project with his grandson or granddaughter – they can make or build something together. Does grandmother like to knit or sew or craft or bead? Include the kids. You'llalso be building memories!

2.Have a Spa Day Date

Grandmothers and granddaughters can make a day of beauty treatments (and make it a regular thing, too!) by going to get hair done or nails done, or getting a makeover at a makeup counter. Some grandmothers may be great hair-stylists, and can style their granddaughter's hair. You can build some wonderful, fond memories this way.

3. Cook Together

Some of the fondest memories Ihave of one of mygrandmothersinvolve cooking. Maybe it's a favorite cookie or candy recipe, or a special method of grilling out. Whatever it is, making and sharing food and passing down old recipes are great ways to bond.

4.Text Each Other

Long-distance grandparentscan form a bond with grandkids by texting them here and there. Texting can involve pictures and videos, too, if you have the right phones. Grandkids can take a picture of the woods they're walking in, the coffee shop they're sitting in, or have Mom or Dad film the play they're in – then send the pictures and videos with a text. We just did this for Father's Day. Our kids made cards and we took photos and texted them to Grandpa on the phone.

5. Chat by Video

Skype, Google Talk, and so forth are great ways to stay in touch with out-of-town grandkids. Try to schedule some time to “get together” for a video chat once a week (or whatever works with your schedule – just try to schedule it in so it doesn't get put off over and over).

6.Create Stuff Together

Seasonal crafts or just fun “make-it-yourself” type crafts can be a blast for grandkids. Cigar box (or tissue box) guitars, pinhole cameras, paper snowflakes, sewing, knitting, etc. are all fun crafts grandparents can helptheir grandkids create. If they don't live near you, consider sending a sunshine box craft kit package every once in a while, so they can make the craft and send it back to you or send photos.

7.Grow Things

Growing food, starting plants, planting flowers and seeds… gardening is a wonderful way to share a skill and hobby that's generations old. It's also a great time to talk about life or share memories of when you were a child. Then you can also share the fruits of your laborswith each other and the rest of the family.

8.Be Pen Pals

The old-fashioned art of letter-writing can be revived and cultivated whether you are local or not. Then you have keepsakes for the future, too – letters are wonderful to read again years down the road. Even if it's just a birthday card note, be consistent and the impact of your remembering and of your words will be felt for many years to come. I treasure those letters and cards hand written by my grandmothers.

9. Play Games

Games can be played long-distance or right at home. Video chat and even the telephone are great ways to include grandparents in a night of board games, card games, or even sports. Take the cell phone to the grandkids' soccer game and shoot videos and take pictures, then text them. Or just have Grandpa and Grandma on the phone during the game.

10. Volunteer Together

Grandparents can take the grandkids to the local humane society and volunteer to walk the dogs, or maybe volunteering at a local soup kitchen or food pantry would be more appropriate. Our grandparents taught us to sing and would take us to visit and sing for the elderly in the nursing homes, teaching us service and giving us a love for those sweet older folk. Teaching your grandkids about the importance of ministry and of community is a life-long lesson and a wonderful bonding idea.

What else would you suggest? Please comment below with the otherways you bond with your grandkids.

Ten Bonding Tips for Grandparents | Paradise Praises (2024)


How do you express your love for your grandparents answer? ›

  • Spend quality time with them. Everyone wants to be loved, so is the need of our grandparents. ...
  • Take them out to eat or cook for them. ...
  • Buy them something. ...
  • Plan family gatherings. ...
  • Be respectful and listen to them. ...
  • Express gratitude.
Feb 17, 2022

How to bond with your grandparents? ›

Doing some fun activities with your grandparents can strengthen your bond with them. For example, you may travel somewhere, play a game, cook with them, learn about their interests, or share your own. It's fun to catch people off guard occasionally.

How can grandparents bond with grandchildren? ›

Share traditions and wisdom

Children love doing activities where you share something you love with them. A grandparent might share their love of cooking with their grandchildren, working together to bake their favourite, time-honoured recipes, shared through the generations.

At what age do grandchildren lose interest in grandparents? ›

This phenomenon varies quite a bit from child to child. However, it mimics the common experience of many parents as kids gain autonomy and get increasingly interested in their friends. Generally, at around age 10 into their teen years, some kids start drifting away from their grandparents.

What is the golden rule of grandparents? ›

The golden rule for grandparents is to love unconditionally, offering unwavering support and affection to their grandchildren.

What does a grandparent bond with their grandchildren quote? ›

#2 – “A grandchild is a gift from above, one to cherish and love.” #3 – “A grandchild is someone who reaches for your hand but touches your heart.” #4 – “A grandparent's love is forever and always.” #5 – “A grandparent's love knows no bounds.

How do I make my grandparents feel loved? ›

7 Simple Ways To Make Your Grandparents Feel Special

How do I make my grandchild feel special? ›

The great news, it doesn't cost a penny!
  1. Time. Time is our most precious commodity, a fact that becomes more obvious as we become older. ...
  2. Play. ...
  3. Read. ...
  4. Go to their activities. ...
  5. Give specific praise. ...
  6. Say their name. ...
  7. Light up when they come into the room. ...
  8. Physical affection.
Aug 28, 2019

How do I connect with my grandchild? ›

Support Their Interests

Read books together, or watch a movie you know they love. Invite them to share what they're up to at school and praise their achievements. Don't try to be a fellow kid; instead, be a supportive and attentive adult.

Why grandparents love their grandchildren? ›

What seems to be the common theme and reasoning is that grandparents don't have as much responsibility and the need to discipline their grandchildren. With a lack of being that authority, it probably means less stress when spending time with them, which leads to their relationship being perceived as more loving.

Why do some grandparents not want to see their grandchildren? ›

They may still be in the workforce

"Between work and commitments, it's often hard to fit in time to babysit grandchildren," says Lisa Carpenter, a grandmother and freelance writer in Colorado Springs. "It's not a matter of not wanting to; it's often about logistics."

How often does the average grandparent see their grandkids? ›

Frequency of Visits

Some families may be able to see each other frequently, while others may only be able to get together occasionally due to distance or other factors. According to a study conducted by AARP, grandparents who live within 50 miles of their grandchildren see them approximately once a week on average.

How do you express your love for your grandparents essay? ›

Grandparents are True Blessings

It is because of their upbringing that our parents love us immensely and care for us the same way our grandparents did when they were children. Moreover, grandparents are your support system. They are sometimes the only people who support you even if our parents don't.

What do you do for your grandparents answer? ›

Find ways to be helpful, such as helping them at home or with projects. Treat your grandparents with respect and dignity. Spending time with them can help you learn all about their lives and experiences. Be patient and kind toward them, even when they frustrate you or annoy you.

How do you describe a grandmother's love? ›

A source of wisdom, a confidant, and someone who will give it to you straight. She loves beyond faults, to a fault. These grandmother quotes take us back to times spent with our own and are reminding us that maybe we should give her a call.

How do you express love of your grandchild? ›

Here are some ideas to show your love.
  1. Spend Quality Time with Them.
  2. Write a Letter from the Heart.
  3. Make a Cookbook Together.
  4. Pray for Them.
  5. Pray with Them.
  6. Cook Their Favorite Meals.
  7. Plan a Treasure Hunt.
  8. Send a Care Package.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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