The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

1 9 Sltaotieat Wtnf 131 ft fpployment Aqeg. 3 Ht0 Waaft-J, JrVsm tit Sec.ll 15 I hOUMIMk, Hol Wonted. Waml rASHIFB CASHIER Wonted. Wentoef HiHole File and Mail Delc Clerk ierv meMTtintrcMrtttii, panancad i bol 132 ImplaymanT Atjanelai, Wameaj Applicant or Impleyaf faat Job weH triilnlngneslres rTiae In home. Put, -Sun.

off, Aaist lisin duties, gooklng. SI 2 hour. Reus, rales, ifpllj. BAMfffftWS. exp.

"will no Mwini! in own home, jit, Hrunol can pantile own rnrre.p. payroll and reports, u-t, pleasant phone iiiannsr. -or with ev to t.e. Pratt dwnlwn, Uarly B.1. Jit l-aoiiO eveninas, I TV "Tec'en worTTTnaii t' rT, MQ, 4J3BO, TYPIST Faat da tieim.

full Mm. work, HIT, 30S V'tMAN, young, nesirea nignt cm plnvment. CH4h.eriiiShwUHi Mix I OA "eittlont Wonted Employment Agencies TinMESTlt! help tlV tha tiuur Cleaning. Ironing, conking, natiunai. AiinNrr 1 OliUfeldis 120 locative A rVofe ilonal Situation Wonted, women OT9l0NKH--fixprlanna In' irmr aia, eusinrn dtsplsvs.

ia-sires taMiiiinn with Swn Fran, oi East p.v firm. Ivul Coast rsfer ences. TIT t-1024 SECRET A tit, hie. varied i responsl. Varied aeek creative, productive employer, preferably in advertising or related field Avaifahla eftr Kent.

SWrY. -Mature, attrae. P.lCPro motion, sto wBil, 1138a, ad 2 121 Situation. Wontad Heasehold Work Woman A POUTER child would like tc come Hvwlth you. WA.

1-0665 BABYSIT or dossil, Reliahle. Ref- ercnrea. juaniorio. OIl 'NlfilTT It Vtv reliable Ilcfa. WB.

1-7401 RECEPTIONIST NO EXPERIENCE NECr.MAXY Attractive, neat anneartna Young! lames ror iniercatiiig variea nit ties dealing with the public Munt Ivne 43 wnm. but win teach all outer pnaiax or ornra work Pleeant working eoridlllnna, a rnoiiern emnlnve benefits. and merit lnciiriaei. 5 day week Al'PLY IN JT.ftdON Household Finance Core. 70 MARKKT RT.

RM. Cashier and Hat Check Over 21, sxner, cashiering for international nimm h. e. Airport t'onlact Mr. Behumfher between and wefMyat CLERK TYPISTS Interesting Positions Are Available That Offer Challenging Work Pleasant Working Conditions Merit Increases Many Free Benefits' Apply Today at Bank of America' nterviews 9 a.m.

to at 300 Montgomery, 5th fir Clerk-Typist OENKRAL APTTTI'DK FOR FlGllnFlB HELPFUL QUALIFIED RE15INNER ACl'KPTKD PTeellent nnoortunitv for advance ment With national distributor of motion pictures. I'onKeini ortire. PERSONAL 1NTF.KV1EW8 ONLT 10-12 Noon and 2-4 p.m. Universal-International Pictures 129 HYDE IT. CLERK-TYPIST FOR ACCOUNTTNO DEPT.

High achool graduat with at least 1 year of bookkeeping. Age 18 to 25. day, 40 hour week, starting salary 8258 mo. with regularly scheduled Increaaea and AppLy WESTERN UNION T40 MARKET ST. CLERK-TYPIST Fast growing northern California enmnnnv la Interested 1ft employing neat appearing glrla fori small loan experience preferred but not necessary, Many employei benefits, marling salary commen-i surate with ability.

Apply person. i Sterlinq Finance 80.1 FLOOD BI.P0., 8.F. CLERICAL Rmsrl office. Varied Wrht typing, filing and general clerical, H. 8 Orad.

over 18 with birth certlfl rate. Credit on nrnerression pav aeale fnr neat experience. Remilar Increases thereafter. Aooly In per son rVTBSTTRW CO. SUPERVIrlOR 30 Onondaga CLERK TYPIST PTARTTNfJ PAT.

RroTTT.AR INCREASES, LIR. BENEFITS. Fxperience not required but must be accurate. Army and Air Force rixcnanac nervice. not taraet CLERK-TYPIST For ventral offtca worlt.

Ood working conditlong, atiyL git. weak, Fmptoyra bpnerita. REMINOTON-RAND fHvtufnn of Snerrr Rand Corn. 41 1st St Mr. B.

K. Brown CLERK-TYPIST nuns'. Neat anoearance. arled duties. Good salary.

Experience unnecessary will train. APPLY IN PERSON LOCAL LOAN CO. 995 MARKET ST. Clerk Collection Dept. Are 2ft-4fl.

Perm. II day week. Pleasant work cond. MR, ROCHE LACHMAN BROS Mission at 16th, HE, 1-3300 CLERK-TYPIST Interesting work. Varied duties! Hours: 19 D.

m. Aa 23-40. Apply In Person nusrii Aii Geary Blvd. bet. 81 A 6th Aves CLERK Adrancemant oniortunltT for hlm achool graduatea with clerical apti tude, excellent location ana worn-Ins eonditlonrt.

Fmolove cafsterla Pee Mm Meahaa Boom 50T. ua Maract. CLERK-TYPIST hoirr week, $20 per me, prm benefit. Steamahfp eo. near A.

P. depot. BOX Mr3SB934 yXAMTNBR CLERK Office elerlcal, good at flgnr. 5 day, 40 hour week, i D. N.

E. WALTER CO. 5B2 Mission, 2nd Floor Cancellation. Exner. Pleasant working lib.

benefits, advancsment opportunities. Mr. Barton YU. 2-28001 CLERK, general office, and help witn sates nowniown nooKstnre. Must be personable, under 40.

not jsutl, nxaminer. Cl.ERK Tvnlat-Rililng. Permanent Aae to 40. Experienced. Salary open.

3TMi hr. wk. Nice working endttlnns. Tn 2.81 RI needed ImmeST- ateiy ot Lr, IV KURT ni.ECTKIO, Industrial Way. San Carlo.

X.Y. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Ag 18-30, 40 hour week. Slatting salary $263 mo. with regular ly scheduled Increaaea, APPLY WESTERN UNION 740 MARKET COMPTOM PITER OPRB. Full time, temporary.

Hlah salary. Nni oru.nup if COPYWRITER FTpeTlenfletl ret nit for metTa artd bova alorea, Bring reauma. See Mr, jisiaridae. SMITH'S and Washington. Oakland 18-27." Neat.

No exo. nec. Will train at our expense lor giarnormis career, see Mr. Kred Aslalre Studios, hil Sutter. Tlth Floor.

DA NCIN in STUUCTOR (or Tan rjancing Bcnooi; sk, 1-8975. BENT At NtirtfiES Positions svallable In following incantirs tor araiiuaies or a nen-tal nurses' training school: San Francisco, 450 Sutter Bldg. Oaklandi Hsyward, SSn Jose. TNovato. Riverside, and Bawllngs.

Wyoming. Call Mr. rummond at MA. 1-87B1. DICTAPHONE OPER.

Medical Raat Bar Mnat Jcnow medical terma well. 40 hour week. $2Ro month. Good benefits. THnrnwall 0-0130.

ext. 314 afte a. m. Ediphone Operator Excellent poaltion open for bearlnner or exDerlenced KM- phone operator. Muat ba able to type 4 5 wpm.

or better. HARTFORD INS, 720 California BU.1-T497 EXKCTTTIVE SECRKTART RKCEPTION fHT For amall public relationt and employment aRemiy, Morpinra onH. Prefer married woman with Aeadem.o barkuround una (ibllltv to oimoost enecial corraspnn'lenca, Muat be neat and personable to rleal wl'h profesalona cltantala. Tin inn. ITYiamini'r.

TiTL ffiah 1 ailmol 7artut.ta'lri- Tperiented. will train for Jifht cnerfei oi nn uiinn, HAT.fl NAT. KB ales, Women Ixelusively 1 Wo feojo Applicant AAMES 'HKR8 EMPLOYER PAYS FEE No Exceptions No Charge to Applicant C30 EXPERIENCE connta! Ahllltr to carry hook thru trial balance will aa.ure you of terrific iuturei C-41 GAL FRIDAY A Ma admlnhit. aMiPtnnt en re-eixmiiljle Juh. Pictiinhona.

rhnnn and aen'l, ofc. dutiea, C-12 SECY. NO SHTD.1 Po yonr own purrhaainr. alonn with ri.tTtanhuna iienv work for top wholaaaia firm C-l NATIONAL CO offerfl OfPty, to sharp Jr. (nni tvpinjfl.

Lrn. I'HX and cumpletej ola. proctd. Pluh tnvironat $210 C-28 RECEPTIONIST Wtth hn. PRY exn and itte top nnu-h recept wul find herl I rent desk job a "real find." $27 S-353 INDISPENSABLE! and tha ambitious aery, will be a a aide to pun baaing agent in top district co.

S-354 ADVERTISING! As enthusiastic aecy. to V.P, ofj progrssaivs agency, yi: your joh both sllmula u'll flml ating rewarduigl Oppty.l S-36o "TICKER TAPE" Act a aecy. who will handle all diversified bus. matters for partner ot noted invimnt co. Ha S-359 RECEPTIONIST A-1 enrineerlna firm haa lost thir mm Vun you laaa bar piace? 3-V S-368 GIRL FRIDAY Aa "un and eomina" steno.

vou work with axec s. on challenirwiK jvbl Varied duueai SELECT JOBS Top Salaries Locations Opportunity C42 TTndrw'd. Sundst. oner. 112 37 (Mi, ofc.

Typ. ri2hi C10 Cash, assist, C9.9 Sec. (no slu*t.) publish, xiuni Ukknr en. C43 IJictaphone i'lW croo fBX-type! ngurea .,11:1:1 Re tvni.f. Varietv C9R0 Cehl.

ofc Tync! COiiO Collection trn. Type, cn99 Trainee bkkDr. t23fi Cld Wail-file girl $'jr0 C33 Reninner typist SliSil C40 Fig. typing Slla FC bkpr. Co.tstr.

gp. sai FC bkpr, lnvntry. ax. $375 343 IjmM eectv. 3SO tjecty.

Financial dlitr. t.litl Exec aecy. Ftnan. diet. 1 3.10 M331 Secy.

1 gal oic. dntn. ff.lT bkpr. Ailv. Sales etetio.

Fin. dist. filrl Frl. Lit sh. dntn.

Tirnl seevt. Irnee. glKUl el84 dntn. Iduil AND MANY MORb AT AAMES FMPLOYKR RFTAIVFD AGENCY Russ Bldq: 235 Montqomery OAKLAND: 43B14TH- RUDWAY. 132 Employment Aqenciat, Wotnaa Applicant or Employar Poyt Feat Jebt KEMP.

(181 Market St. Agener tv. 2-1084 tblAbLliMtU 1909 EMPLOYER PAYS FEE Accountant, CPA exp, 2310 Brokerage, exec. aciy. S-l" Siiso 9-S IBl.

fin. dis. j.if-i X't' rn Pal ritctnn. our. 1300 325 Reg.

fic ant. 2110 :2 0-5. lei. it. 8 Jr.

an. frs. 2111 -t'o 3nnn rn. trv. 2.107 SKio Wur'a ser.ty..

2132 300 Jr. audiuxr. troe. figs. 2447 5300 Accts rec.

good typint 430(1 Ut. Ph. em. off. 540fi 130O Key punch exp, 23M) f300 Ban Leandro.

232P 300 Kaatilona, exeo. aecty. 2294 S2B5 6 5, phonea. sis. 237H $275 Ptller.stat.

2I4M $250 Oredit-collect. 2250 $250 Fashion firm, typist 2440 jou Acctg. cierk. tvxust vt-i g-jno vow faiace. aanv 250 Oashler.

Ben. off. dta. IRSfl 150 Billing clerk. 4 146 APPLICANT PAYi Ptt g350 Variety genl.

2372 S.125 Rem. Rd. 285. It, typ. I25 Order clerk, oricing.

2297 e.iio an a pnaaea umi 300 0-5, ad Jr. secv. 2457 NCR 31 0O. est.

bknr. 11122 S.100 Fin. BUB Auto claims nhs. 2456 235 Pavroll 24 12 275 PBX mil hrf nr, tvn 944:1 S275 Cashier, ast, tvo. 223 2I5 Krrlx.

tvn. 2155 127.3 Snn Lndro. 2-v1 $200 Crellt Interviewer 2' i.TIMin jia, TTD, if44'l IS0 12-S gen. office. Ins itACritKY UfcPI.

5.2O0 eent, valley S50 M.uini etn crane. N. 2rK tCPT. itcaqing, it Aim Nioma Day Aqencv W0 Market Rm, 720 YU. S-2P67 Employer Pays Fees ans, phon.

snn 87Bo Typ, Ins. liability, etc. 315 8793 9-S. lite. am.

ofc. 300 8794 Sieno, age open, 1 man 210 6741 Tyn uss sm, dlctaph. 275 mature .,250 6800 polities, sm. ofc. 2B5 uib rue.

small to 45 6R07 Train like fig. 225 PR1? Temp, steno. fin. d. 2.00 hr fl18 3 days a week, secy.

200 nay ins. bkp. 2 00 hr 8R20 lite POO 882 Beginner, file clk. ..200 Applicant Pays Fee 17 Lit typ.j rec poet 340 6S02 Secy-recep. for doctor ..275 6S05 IBM exec, typ.

envelp. 2o 57,51 6746 meet publle ....300 6720 Handle ofc. cash, hkpg. ilno 6R23 Credit collection elk. .,275 6S10 rlr.

ofc, nurs 300 6S08 bkp. dept 215 H-S25 Typ. BO. Rqyvlew Plst. 27X TOWER Agency 70S Market.

gth Fir. EMPLOYER PAYS FEE 350 seoty ano Bluer, me s.R. 40S97 3J5 meet publlo 325 Steno. Rknr. 340 Secty.

to Mgr. .......41740 overusing steno. 275 Clerk typist 41781 275 tyne PRX .,.,41766 zta rtining cm. 41S54 350 Stat, tvpist .41211 375 FC Bkpr .....41833 f0 Acctg. Clk 41N08 75 Timekeeper 41S22 275 Phone clk, some 300 rwctaphon Opr.

,,.,.41775 273 PBX steno 41SS3 300 Keypunch Opr. 4nmn Many Applicant-Pays-Fee Jobs Open EMPIRE Agency. 600 Market. Suit 810 11111 wticnaeis KM PLOVER PAYS i'lOE $350 Legal Secy. 0 5.

.8047 $325-Secy. Con, IBM Exea 7635 $300 Illctn Secy. 1 girl .8219 $275 Stat. Clerk.yg. ..,.8209 2G0 Adding Mach.

Opr. .8221) 240 Messenger 8200 arruoAM rmts $355 Cale. Lt. tyin. ....8133 $355 Keypunch 024 82.10 M325 Sundstrand Oper.

,.8224 300 To 1 girl. Mission WESTERN PERSONNEL' 26 O'Psrrell. Agency YTJ. 3-4S0 FMPLOYKR PAY8 FEE 161 -17 S-c. 3 girls.

9 to 5. ..300 3 6191 PBX Rec. Lt, typs. 2r.0 16067 Receptionist. Lt type 250 16065 linuerwood Sunslrand Opr.

Sm. ofc. aft. Sept 1. 3id5 APPLICANT PAYS Fit' 8 18195 Girl FrlflHV.

9-5. 290 1 6069 Acctg. Clerk. 000 1 6Q70 Teletype Opr. Typa.

275 1 1 TRANSCRIPTION OPERATORS Fxperlenee ranulred In adlphnne diriatihoti, auiioitrapa or o'her similar equii'ment, alimnmni ivping speed po words Bar mioui. Accenting applications at ROOM 102 KiiJ HUSH Standard Oil Co. of California TYPIST Fimerienca preferred. Aa to 35. Ari'tirata typist for workman enmo.

and other casualty lines Pest working conditions, employs benefits. Salary Hours I'M 4 .10. CALL MflW. RMCKR EX. 7-0U3 at nnv open.

TYPISTS Varied work Including reception duties. Need one year experience Apply Plata Personnel afaard, 615 Van Nesa Br. TYPIST CLERK Fssl Ray. Must type 60 words accurately, Type financial stale ments and do general bnokkeepg. clerical (urictlone.

THnrnwall o-JMJ0, ext. gu 'tB m. TYPIST-ACCT. CLERK Insurance axp. pref.

Put will train. Pleasant ofc. Permanent Northwestern Nat Ins. 340 Pine TYPIST-BILLER flood salary. Excellent opportvn-itv with arowlne firm.

PRANciVS 4 3ft MARRUT ST. TYPiST-I ab. Two, Vs timaTWai train iMth IT C. Med. Center.

Tr. 4-580 TVPIST-calculator operator, Good sl onpoi -tunlty. UN. 1-24N3 TYPIST soma shorthand! Auto air, t-ongcniai ore TU. o-BitBa.

UNDERWRITER Assistant, Automobile Deptj tnsuranea xperience. Ag 21-34 NEW YORK trNfi PIP, WRITERS INKtTRANCR CO. 605 A10NTOOMERT KR. ABKXW OA. 1-1037 WAITRESS OWL DRLIG CO.

Mason and Market eta. VVArTftEfiS Age to SS bal experience neipfui, early mon sniit, Appiv ir-ioc jfnvt D411 3rd Bakery ek or Dill 'inrn. to sinn. tnrti en. WAITRESS" exp'd.

Day and nlcht snirta. nut or part time. Apply oi: ueary uiva. weeauay p. Ut.

wait (2r unner 35, aiae I faat. oorret anop, nr. day WAITRESS- CobNTKRFAST! Experienced. Iimhard. carboo exp.

St. 12-14. Jtians ltrive-in. iit Ataract Ml WOMTCTf FIREMAN FUND INSURANCE COMPANY THIS FOUjOWTNfl POrTTTtONS ARE IMMKIHATbLY AVAILABLK POLICY TYPISTS CLERK TYPISTS RLE CLERKS ar now locate- tn imr new homa of floe in tha laurel Helerhta district vtib amnla parking facilities. opacioul cafeteria and loungo, frrnCRvTFWjl MON.

TTTOTJ TXJ 8:30 (VI. 9 P.M. WRSflNX'Rr. nitTPT 3333 Calllornia fiU fl.P. JO.

7-6000 Career Opporfunify 1 HV nesnl Prrirtintlrilt Poaltion open with publishing com-i purr iac smoiiioui, creeuve yng. woman with exeo. Rability. Car necessary. CaTl Miss parka for In- terviw.

nR a-fi77fl vVOMN ProrV onaTpaid jobs as District arid camn ni rector, varied and Interesting work with adults ana volunteers, ttequirvmenis: coi leaa decree. lea.dernbti rtd tirnri Ing experience. Call or write Girl ticout orrica. IZIB N. Kl nr.rn.ln Btookton.

Calif. Prions HOward i or appointment. WOMEN Earn up to if 50 day comm. Sell America's finest Xman cards and gift Hems. Phont oi write for Samnles.

Western Art PtudfO. DepU 232, 1418 Jefferson, Ur.Ki.'no, 'j, 4 131 A Tomporary Holp Wanted, Women, Applicant It Paid by Aaeney but Works Elsewhere. No Fee Involved. 406 BR, Sl.fiO" hr mostly Far the boat ha temporary Jobs. WESTERN mifFTTPnui BERV1CW AiTrTWrr ana needefT linmei I1.75-S2 Tir MANPOWER, INC.

MARKET 131 Employmaa-t Aqaa eitrt. Women Exclailvaly No Fs to Applicant Employers Pay Fees On An E.P.S. Jobs NO CHARGE TO APPLICANTS F.XTCC. penln. (548) to $400 DESmN CENTTSR f5S 32.S 1 GIRL OFC, S-5 (3021 S32S OMj Friday, lite.

430 Brcc, fig. apt. lit sb (60s) s.ion LRN. tyn. fR07) S'loo A0TO contract tmee (614) S27S PUBIC, cont no typ.

B52)to 260 no shhd. fS7 to 3S0 FASHION fid. no shhd. PRXtralne. It 5235 FIOR.

bo tyo. f650) LIKE ty-ping, flgure'(S00) Ssn AR typ. fBl7l 300 aarv. S27 16031,150 ARST to file sunrr. IISP7) P2B0 TRAIN for career tob r687) HANbtLLS E.

P. S. T.mnlnver'B TVraonnel Servlpa EMPLOYER RETAINED AOKNCT rii warwer, mn nr. EMPLOYER PAY'l'i FTnir INSURANCE PERSONNEL Aeetw-v 4200 W11 Clerk, no .11. Clerk, no exp.

or typing, IIP xjks policy Tynlst exp. ..117 TvDist.Aocountfna meTk.HR Onen Auto code clerk. S4ta isroK.r gin xi.u 70S Market. Rm. 110.

TW2-3544 EWlVYK PAYS FEE 242 Statistical tvolst flOO 2fd Tvplst-calculator, exp. 2B5 Irn. ab. lit tvoa S270 213 Tvpist. Acctng, exp.

Keypunch, asst. supv. ,,3300 302 Steno, sales engineer not jr. grad, '1(1 .115 learn leual S300 IFOLEY PERSONNEL AGENCY 71)3 A ft FT lflTK FLU. KMPLOYER PAYS FEB TOP AGENCY TRAINEI5 DIVIBTOrf BO wpm (22) 8225 No experience necessary 393 Market.

Rm, 1002. EXJ-HTl jLmpioyer i-aya rae SECRETARY TO wpm typing, 120 atithnd. (10A asst. exc sec Jo0 TOP AGENCY SP3 Market, Rm. 1002.

OA. 1-2021 13? Employment Agendas Woman Applicant or Employar Poys Faat John executive Service 71T Market St. Agency Tin. 2-2840 EMPLOYFR PAYS FRK SI7 Hteno. Part time hr.

gl.75. R43 Bknr. r.C. 1 gal ofc. at, 300 pns Compt, typs.

future 300 171 Steno. Set-v leaal 02A A PPT. ANT PAYS FF.K fHflTvnlst Clerk to pbx. Op. to so 2fi0! n3n Caahler.

gd. at fig. Son SS0 leri. W.rJ,1, CCCC 137.H.Tp Wanted. Men-" ELECTRONIC" ENGINEERS PHYSICISTS You ere cordially invited to investigate outstanding opportunities in AVIONICS with AEROJET GENERAL CORP.

the Nation's leader in Infrared Detection. Devices Servo Specialist. or with -then re Ural knowledge of -linenr servo analysis ln eluding root locus metn oris. jYTInimum of threa if yen Hervo axpanenca necessary. Electronic Engineer TV), or blgha-r autre (L Position is la tha empn.

deveiupment and manufacture, pilot run OiiHiititiesi of electronic, electro mechanical, anrt optlcAl equipment for both industry anrt parte nee require4 in one of tha following; electronic pa ok agtng; miftsus control and nan -tiling systems; elrcuit theory, instrumentation system teat; transitor application: printed airouil ry; muutuxixauoa. Research Physicists To rrerform re search ami development on baaia de- sipn of infrared devices. Pnmild have broad bark ground of electronics, np- tita, and hasi mecnantcal druen. Should ba able to understand and perforn analysis on Infrared equln-; ment design. M.B.

or aquivntent in whvsira or teciricdjkl anglneerlng. Electronic' Design Engineers tnhida destrning and atrpervising in aonstruction and test-: Ing of bresdhoard nd prototype equipment to 1 meet military specifics-; tiona EspTtonra in nna of tha following fields: low level audio; aith-audto and feed-bark ampUfterst nnn-hner etrruitsr filter: tifsiRn and net-worlc evn-thesis: svatem ansiyms and detrtfiraj printed circuit desiim and miboUzu iuraa pact, Project Engineer Men of thro yara yerlenc as responalhia engineer tn design and develonmeni of elect ro-rfte'hmeai nr opto-me ohanieal produrts. B. S. In eleotrotuca preferred.

Mechanic Design Engineer Bl, M.R. or Matter, ta translata specification and research Information on manufacturaoia rne chamcal systems. Co-ordi nata design efforts with electronics, optical, and production groups. Super-rise fsbrlcatlon of me rhanlcal porUoo of project. SPECIAL SAN FRANCISCO INTERVIEWS Aug.

20, 2 1', 22, 23' 1-9 P.M. Phone for Appointment W.KOUTNIK or M.J.CHIAT YUkon 6-4333 Aerojet-General CORP. AWTTiA, CALIFORNIA A Sl'bKlblARY Of TKH GENERAL TIRE A RUBBER CO. 1 36 fort Time It Temporary HelpJrVanteeJMen rFACIIKRS Educators Ins. Co.

openlna Bsy Area office? Part-time sales force needed. Lira, dis- ahlllty Ins. lor teachers. Lineral cfunmlaslnns, YTJ, 2-4030. Write S7 rust st.

136B -Initruetlona Leadinej to Schools-Men ft Women IBM MACHINE TRAINING MEN-WOMEN Complet IBM Tab. Operator, 12 weeks day or 20 weeks niHht si'hool, I.eara by doing on worth of 1BU husines. machines. Automation Institute 821 Market Room 5i 0 Computer Programming COURSft S. ventnr per week, atartlnef Sent.

10th. Tills course Ttrenarea you for the "NEW HORIZONS" In Business Electronlca Enrollment limited. Register NOW I Automation Institute 821 MARKET ST. OA. 1.S7B3 EARN S2511-1375 MO Enroll now In Comtometer FcTiooI 4r Kesrny OA.

1-2417 viti v' rr.T-M,5 Enroll now In Comptometer School, 46 Kearny St. 1IH1AI.LT VAN NTIPH at ptisr. nt-t. PTT3TWESS Atitomsilon In 12 wks. FRlc Aptitude lest.

t3A. 1t07W-' Tlii'flT. MdiefTront office tfnlh. (.. mi in 1-ailt.

(Continued on Next Tagel atui'k pfinlmL utmlv pervimtin, racaivtnii, alnppiuf pome BHieff, Own car. tirenenlls Call aft. p. ip, Mshl V.KT 2S, married, aTVraiTITnrry xper, In warrhotidlna atock con imi, eniipiy reu. and Wllll'IMIlU.

'l Dill VI'Mfl IK weMln! aoina aaien. Own car, 1 It rrotoliienai Situation Want'd, Ma Yuuim dueated, Wlda commeicmlinduat axp, Knowleilua Kiencli, riarinan. aeaki Inlereitina roaltlnn with drfinlta growth potential. No en if. r.nxM cjl'vi, examiner.

ytiun man, 4i), with family wlshea tranafer tit Calif .1 yeara extremely hiKh rluiw Tivaie niiiinx ptun, inoronaniv eii. an ruiiiHea ouying, personnel mitintemtni-e, aui, rrrm. poMtioli iinairr'i. VI rue l. It.

Keltn, wur. Tha Wiirwam Piuh. Dedatta. fjoio. KnKlneer Technlral nle niieiie area, varfiaiue nnrnfiind.

i-P74i 1, eve tr AlTriNTs 1 oGki). ALKM EX BO. ixr. lender Atimtntairator Tdueator 5 Publicist Kalea IIHl Mfl in TTrt. 40 Bon M-S74a.

KXAMINKM 126 Strvieag to Eichonqa Man CAN you accept challanre foaterparenthood7 WA. 1 -nd of l-iinm. OKN'L maint" or" mar, exch. for ainme apt. Marina tirec, tix-Army retired.

WA. 127 Situation. Wontad Couolai ut'UHT houae rhr man exp. UN a-3nO. 127A--Srviea to Exchanga Coyolai (No SA ynuaoiapttha chnllenae of Joeter purenlliood? WA.

l-uflfia 130 fart Tim ft Tamporory Hals Wontad. Warns OiTirS Make teietmone anpta. for lennina ei-ni. awntn. ivee.

a nav week. permanent, rreiary plui aa ceptionnlly good oontia plan. RECEPTIONIST tor animal hoepitai. Call l'iu tiniimiieii. wk.

i-4n29. TYPIST 0maT dnwntown Inanranea com pany office. 4 5 hours dar. Mr. Cameron yu.

2-0230 131 Halp Wontad. Weman ACCT'G CLERKS 8TART1Nr PAY KKliULAR INCRKABF8 LIHKRAL HKNEFITS Keeent areounta pavabla, iixperlenea required. 1 LIMIT an Army Air Force Kx'-hanre Pervlee POT MARK e-T I Accounting Clerk KxTHtncfl for necounti payable rtept. BooKkaepinR required. Larpe fl.

F. Co. Companv pld aifk penton an4 lift insurance baneflta Cat et en a. can no. 2 02DO.

52. Accountinq Cleric Tanh lar. A wnnn Dant. TA thf typinpr, afldlDff machine. Pravmua DookKn.r)K expr, Inmirr'nca Co.

37 Mi 5 day wk. 417 MONTGOMERY AFT'T-F! ppfffnit mnrhlriB one rat of xner. lzrio rennayjvama Ban FYanoiBi-a. VA. aonn.

Assistant Manager San Mateo Tm opportunity to Join merrhaiv diilnfc naff of an expanding organization la a fat moving. citing mora, wi prefer a woman wtth merchanrtiilne kri women a apparei who Uvea In the, ian auatao area. Apply downtown. Joseph Maqnin 77 FARRKLL A frR'T Accounts pa aDia ana payroll. Must typa, use calculator.

aHry ten Rnx M-ri7H9ff F.mmln.r ATTTb CON TS tCTCL Kflloro- ly exper. in D.M.v. work. Apply in person, jininony aiea. 1699 Van Ncua, PR, 9-BOOO.

"i'KXCWepRS. Ail Around, 50 FOR fi DATS COM 1869 Hsight MK. 1-S972 BEAUTY OPERATOR Aaslstant to top gtyitsL Sal. and comm. no.Tg 3iz Butter St.

BKAt'Tt ppB A all-around, nert-tlma. Paul's Halrdreaidng T18 f4utfr BTSALTY oper. Rlqhmond dlsL. fol- lowina nrer.avBU. 1-136.

ad ztir. BMtri i operator, all round, Sal ary and comm. TU. 5-5258. fiKAUTr operator, all around.

604 (21. wfoTJow- Ing preferred. 2525 Mission, BILLING TYPIST nre national eoneera. Ruas iria. Hours 8:45 to 5 Age to 40 CALL RORFRT HILL YtT 2-AS4H experiehnejd tJnrfaTWOfi7i aiec.rnc.

tfenemi ofriu work. Good rerrrencra. tnaer yeara YU. 2-6715. BOOKKEEPER Company Cashier Matntama hoolta ttf arlfrrnal mmrw.

oanaiaa in fleDoaita. ree oncflea bank ancminta. Pavrnll knowierlpra nereaaary. Jnaurance axpananca naipruu corrr act JA.rvm LtrouA OA 1-0526 Bookkeeper, General THRU TRIAL BALANCJJ SOME TYPING PLCASANT CONDITIONS GOOD PAY BOX M-S5801, EXAMINER BOOKKEEPER FC in VIHAUA. CALIF.

Oil auto exper. 8m. office, 42S to start, interview locally. Hog M-57381. Examiner.

BOOKKEEPER rSensimatic-Rur- rougns) opr. wpayroll experience Mission diet, tip to $70 week! nurrougns Training center 1930 Marltet UN. 3-2190 Bookkeeper, Underwood A c. only. 8325 mo.

Box 90S fTJCAMTOVTI. BOOKKEEPER, machine, payroll exp. nooerts at lo. hi. l-oil.

BOOKKEEPER. Full time. F.xner. Call between 12 2. PL -4nso.


NO SAT. YU. 2-4040 Ext. 207 CARD SALESPEOPLE EARN EXTRA MONEY Send for Free Imprint Samples and earn ISO commission by selling 50 boxes of exquisite Christmas cards, This can be done 1n your spare time. Special offer: FREU GIST WITH ORDURS CARLTON CARD CO.

J15 CHURCH ST. UN. 1-T150 HAN FRANCISCO CASHIERS, part time and full time. Aiert, emnrt caeniera Tor retail atores Francisco and Redwood City. Exper.

sailing ability. Capubi handling large sums of money. Age to 35. $1.38 hr. Mr, Barry, Harry Sales, 767 jrannan, "CASHIER-TYPIST Neat annearanct.

Ability lo maet fubllo. blxper. not refj. VVa will tiny wk. with mod.

am- piova penerita. eaiary open, Riir1ett 125:13 MiMlon taient ror ntian. woiieit oooa Finns and mall df.trlhutlun. Tvn. Ing.

Relief on PBX and talstvpe. Large uo, riirH leave, pen-aton and Ufa li.suranct benellts. vatetent po. a ngno. Ft.

82 FILE CLERK. tinder 3n, light OnnnHu-nity to learn PBX and teiatype. Mndern nfftre, ft dtv week Aoiitv Mimm I.fnrd, AT, i Ull8. 2 i Minium n. rrtmrc Ttranrh in Ira office detail work, telephone and branch report e.

2 gin or net, roworv.era aroijp inmirarica atvl other hena lta. I-orHtctt In Anpnrrl CUV. 1 ad iftifl GFNERAL OFFICE Retell Credit asnertenca required Homa llaht typing en4 rerical ex per. Annv Kxhlblt Furniture F. mm.

flood at figures for aeets, pavahle ni tn. rue wnuleioiie niercan-tiie entMhiianment, J.iaht tvntiiit Onnortnniiv for aitvancement. ft da'. 40 hour week. Jl.

N. A K. WALTER AH2 atlaalnn. 2nd Vloor OTRl-rt Hell A vun "co*kinenra where you work. 4n commliiHIon clear.

Kres skin care and mnkeup claases. OV, GIRL Frldav for smll office. An- awer nnooes Darn tvpmg, e'arm JPiix Examiner. "OlRL8 VniTle(tl'or('lloru. Paid While Learning.

President Fo'lies Rurleaqua. CTRL" Friday "for travel agency. Kmume to Knx P47. examiner. A H8TYLIHT for beautirul e- tabilstied anion in Lake Merced area.

Ma follow nl neceeHarv. Hal ary 4- commission. Hclennr Frits neautr Ma on. uuj ivui avi JU, 6 2225. fr6T7REi mofnTrlor bova" dorml lory, neeeacary.

i.ive In e. dava a week. Palo Alto Vl lit -I tary da. a-au4 (or appt. HOlTHKWIVKPt In S.F.anrt on renlnauia: fseii Avon conmeuca in your neighborhood.

I'art time work. 40 cornmtrrrtioi. rlear. Free akin ear and mnkeun rlraaee, OV, Mans nr -2772 IBM CHECK PROOF OPERATORS STENOGRAPHERS Comptometer Ops. and TYPISTS Under 35 Must Be Experienced Interviews by Appt.

Bank of California 447 Sansome St. EX. 7-1922 Insurance XN8T.TR, TXPFR. MTrBr'SARY SYSTEM, AGE 21-3. ABM.

NHTW YORK" VTfPRRWRITERS I t. A I e. fit 505 MONTGOMERY MR, AflKCVV OA. 1-1037 1NBURANCB Inauranra Company haa 5PnlriB for rouna ladv dmna aenera cat work with Knowledge, of caa ii a It fttiditrt TinAJirJfll Dintrii-t MR. BARNES TU.

6-3722 csiitnrrjia licene. s.i4n tn at arc. APPlr Personnel Department, a laer Hnapital jjiOO HeaJ-T Ladiea Typist Clerks If you are a good typist 4U words Dor minute or better, if you want a defi nite assignment, INUI in a poof, and are over 18, then we suggest you visit us tor a discussion ot em plovment opportunities. Good pay, pleasant and dignified working conditions, convenient location, 5 day week, excellent ben efit plans. APPLY AT PERSONNEL.

DEPARTMENT Crocker Anglo National Bank SUTTER ST. SRil FLOOR CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO LADIES YOUNG ATTENTION Airea 21 to 25. free to travel fnr Unioo 'Circulation Co. 6eIUn for Iook Wagazina Circulation I'epx. tne eat em Mates.

Florida. Hawaii and Cuba. Must aoie to leave fcan Franciaco, uakiand thit wk. $250 and up aiary uuar. io start.

Plua new ear trans, and cash drawlnc ace. against salary. No axp. nec. see ir.

ouiion. jmmi uasftt At, 1431. Jackson St, Oakland. a.m. to EARN 1 75 Per Month And STAY AT hom*o NO AGE LIMIT Now you can earn a genermie bonus In addition to a cuaranteed hourly salary.

All you need Is 3-4J roure a aay ana a teiepnone. This Is insurance survey work Ho selling No age limit! phone HSU -13S6. ad 4800, LADY WITH CAR EARN WEEK Work Part Time nisplay (In Imported Bararlsn China and matching crystal by appointment. Comm. Comn.

train ing. Call OV. 1-3033 LA DTES. Inter. In teachlne hnllrm tiaiiciua.

no exp. nec. r'K. o-tlttlltj i.cual. MILLS TOWER OFFIC1! Flectrlc typewriter.

ehorUiand. Must be neat In abearance and work, Age 21-33. Pleasant working conditions. Fin. opportunity tor cananie girl.

ex. 2 -nz-i 4 LEGAL SECRETARY General legal, exper. required, "Tfn der 35, Salary S325. Small, con genial office. 35 hour week.

By annommant. jua. z-an 1, MAPtAnERIAL TRAINER, one girl office. Kxperieneen In aaies and ocruonnal work. 30 to 45.

ov. l-iaea. Nurse, Office, RN wanted by Peninsula medical group. Regtilar hours, Rood salarv. pleaaant working conrlttlona.

Call Mrs. Madden, 3D Av en port o-yJi. 1 or iniervisw, Under 40, for desk position In medical dept. flay ween. F.xcellflnt hospital, medical benefits.

Pension plan. Apply: California Fhysiclans Service 450 MUnton' Room 200 OFFTCK iT-ao YOU INTEREST US! We see you sitting there, crucially scanning the ads, looking for one that anneals to you. You'll be 'leased to know that spselal re In on-the Job training. At pres nt have openings for i Credit Tvpist Varied dutiea small dept. Claims Typist Interesting opportunity AH nosltlons ar nermanent.

Per haps one sppeals to you. Come I ana aiscuns your xuture ana op portunitles. 21 PINK nth Floor! (central oWtra. fVnant aurrounrtinKa, Fxperlen'-t neoee PHOTO FINI5HLR Printing and sorting experience nacchsprv, iti'manent, all year round lob. RHANfflU 439 MARKKT POSTING CLERK nirh school graduate.

Typing helpful. Varied, interesting duties. Kmtilov benefits, lotiiuding cafe- WK8T COA8T LIFE INg CO, 2nd A ll.rk.1 T.m ROT HETi, fSiats no axp neno will train OV RKAL KHTATB Sales, Old firm. in 'uy, y. in tr 44.

UAt.rn pnoMonov np, for wcrtt eoktat corp. Htnail apptl-anceii, (.,. No dlre-i eellinff or comm. Involvan. Bingla, career mtnfien perann.

2S-40 yra. y.xcti. nprinc Hnd peraonallty. Start-in sal, mo, plua ro. ear, Advanrement to $400 (n AO daya.

OceaplonNl travel. Exoenaee r.alrt. Open immadiattiy. Call Lo. "51 I a eswomfln Mi inerv Bentoff'a haa nermanent rtnrt time optninf lor woman thoroughly ex perlenrM aeilfne batter mltllnwy.

rnii Mm rrptr po SALESGIRL Exneritneed, who can modal Miiee in or 13 fn'-maia KM MA POMB, INC. Sasft Piilou Avii, fi.F. SALFHWOUKN ft. Canvaa houae 10 nouse. j.

xpar4 aa teaman in charge. Advertise, aell tnd dam-on s'. rata aewind machlnea. Singer, Bewlne Mach. 2417 Mission experienced oniy ice anpearanrit.

neu JUJin Ann eoata, emta and dreaaea. Aon JUaa ADinrei. inn anion i JTaT a5 tVfl II nrtotorrsnhs no notue io nouae. sueana. Avern comm.

nar nr. 3-4 J7J, SECRETARY Intelligent young lady. capaM at assuming responaioiiity. lilversi-fied duties include dictaphone sua purcnastng otuce auppiies. Shorthand prel erred Put not eiibu.1.

AUMt Competgnt stenographer, ag to 40. noised woman to handle secretarial dutiea for president. Apply Personnel Dept. KX, 2-8723 Koret of California, Inc. 611 Mission Street SECRETARY Prfratt) secretary for execntf Shorthand required.

Alfa 23-35 day week. Vaaa-tion and lntnir ance, Pleaaant aurroundinps. Pal ary open. Adotor Car Pea! era1 Aaaociation. OR, 3-534 6 8 KCTT'TRaINER Bklll In tvnlna and ahorthantl quired for promijtlnr? future wiin a weii-eetaDiienea nrm ply 972 Mieaion.

Mr. Qyen. Secretary-Executlvo for architectural firm downtown fihortnttnd required. Age 25 to 33. t5ecretary Administrative fthortltaJid, typing neceaaury.

mart Apply personnel Kaiser 240rt nearv. "SKCRKTAR Y--SaleTDept. 'alvted py 10C41 independent radio station. uooq anorinana ann typing essential, neolr Box V.XHm SffilKETABT 1 8-4 7. Shorthand nec.

permanent, day wk. UreraJ rrenefltn. ujrponnalina'ii. Mr. Comba DO.

2-0S17 SKCRKTART---Under 3B; smalll law office; axperteooeti in typing una inonntna leai exp, ua ncessarv. Perm. YU. 2 5031. SEC Y.

arin Cnty. at lioi ic cr aanisation. Krp. shorthand, typ- Bound.firi&er, small Insurance ofc 8:45 to 4:30. Salarv 27S.

CA. 1-5RK4. Adver. 5 rAYt. TTRS.

see sa, a 'is. box xam STENOGRAPHER Intereatfnf poattloft to otrr Tjt-dustrial Relations Division for an enterpriainn yoona; woman. Ren wires good typing and shorthand skills and a pleasant yolca for telephone eon- tact, Opportunitv to becoma part of an active interesting office. Central financial district location Anpiv Miss Sheridan. BECHTEL CORPORATION 150 Sansome STENOGRAPHERS sTatveral ezoalleAt ftositlofia otm for bealnnera and experienced tennc'rapherB, Many employe I benefits, opportunity for advance-, menu fosition auso open xor exu phone operator.

HARTFORD INS. CO. 720 CALIFORNIA WI. 1-7487 STENO-CLERK FOR ADVERTISING DEPT. Dictation, eeneral office work, dept.

files. Under 85. 3-3 years exp. Sick leave, pension, lift iQ' auranre benefits, cafeteria, DO. 2-0200.

Ext. 52 STENOGRAPHERS Varied work In fields of social welfare, mental hygiene, Insur ance, agriculture. Apply S'ate Personnel Board. SIS Van Mass F' pETgn piCT PR. Looking for a good future? Excellent oDoortunity In Insurance claim work.

J-iew prancA offio in atonestown. Call Mr, Tmel MO. 4-5964. PWTtMANICNT POSITTOW WTTH OLD KSTABUBHED PTRM fitlAR JAST EAT TERMINAL. EX.

2-62S5 STENOGRAPHER i day, 3d '4 hour weak Financial diatrlet. afr. Anderson stT. ETENOS. flet yonr Job through Ettate oi vaiiiorma, i.iept or 801 Turk St.

STEWARDESSES Live In Ian Franolsoo and fir tn Hawaii, tn urient and south Pacific. Height, Age 2127. IT. 8. citizen.

Single. No foreign language or ru ri, require inents. Telephone PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS PL 5-7000 or Dl. 4-1723 Supervisory Trainee Train in fldellty-mrety bond to eventually assume greater reapon ihility. Good typist, flgtir aptitude necessary.

Steno skills help-fill. Excellent benefits. Phone MR, HOYLE DO. 2-31100. TELEPHONE SOLICITORS WOMEN Full and Part Time To Sell Newspaper Subscriptions Highest Commissions Finest Working Conditions Phone SEORGE COOPER PRospect 6-1237 9 a.m.

'to 9p.m. TELEPHONE SOLICITOR Evening work, arrang salesmen annts. for educational oroRram- books. romm. with ausritntee to qualified person, Call at 391 Sutteri xtm, aio, rtetw.

nun p. 111. for Mr. Rich or Mr. Tflvlor.

TELEPffoRiOEK'TirE' aaisi a i PACIFIC TELEPHONF TFLFPHONK solicitor with nurse registry exnerience for emoiovmeni fsency. 7nzo sa bio. TYPISTS ftprwrtiinftlea for axpaf. ami ginner typists. Interesting work wtth many company benefits.


hvy, Did. (Ml- Frt. g(L a i r.i) j.fiiHi. gh f.ei.-nl geety Kit) riKCTY. Life Dept.

rii .1 a Mil mo Mill ,.11111 HKKPK. A It I'BX-Tvplst. 20-23 ,,13 TI.I.I.'TVI'K.' Opr. icfii. to no Jr.

Kigmmer. fla apt I7 fdtUI 2 Flt.K I'leiks ls APPLICANT PAYS PLc TOP Slenn. pool. SrinO 1-OIR1, ofC, 9-S SM.iO STHAI'IHT tvtust fllH Iitl'TAPIIONH Het l'0 fl-J2 fMfl FH.R Clerk, no exn, ih, 21.1 MRlSVViiKR 1 21 anOO Atki inson Agener fi2l Market OA. 1 40T0, KMPLOYKH PATS FEtl FC llapr to 43 OS S'iriO Secv.

mfg. fashions Rifso liictph. Humane. asslt.ri'''H Dlclph. genV '-'0 KHe supervisor Tyn reports.

40 MA Fair typist, S7S PRX-Tvpist It. typ recpt. si' 1- lie, t. tvoe 225 Mensenper. it, tvpe.

APPLICANT PAYS Fl MS! Sieno fittfl a.tns Stat, typist, manual jr. Tvpial pill .55 Kevnunch 054 a00 Learn filing na I'JUHAL Alifcrtf'Y 114 Market Room 300 APPLICANT PAYS FUs) JKBO prac. nure, $200 B2 rim rencn cu'wina. o-u p. sauu 4 fhx oper ator, nites and holidays, union sraie; arnr yna maid.

ff-'OO 10.1 Jl hotel mald union scale. 133-HoniehBld Halp Wontad Weman costs vnii" nothing to' offer a foster child a priceless and won- ilerrul object your home! Jii'-Klc roster Humes. WA. 1 Odds. A shi ST 3 children.

Cook houae- keeiier. uve In, pvt. rm, and bath. Allierlon. RM.

2scliool children and Pouiiework, liv In for $75. LY. l-34 2 child cart gen'l Live In. Pvt, roombatht Rels. $125 aVSII.

1-7(1211. ad 50. CHI CD care aniT housework" woman who is not afraid of a largo family, prlvat room, bath 150 mo. Sun. and Mon.

off. Flock to Greyhound. CLaowood t-UM I. Cn re LU houeeworR. Live in.

pvt. room. Rel. si: ho hswk." 1 Infant, emu. mnlhi 0 oavs, 70 mo.

4- 11 ire. I'N. 3-337 5 after 8:30, COOK Oen. hawk. Ref.

rS 1.H- in, r1ults. German riinii navian pref. Box M-55R41, Kxam. OOVKHNKHS. under fiO, for 2 imiiu cniiiiren; nayg eicei- lent referfnjces.

ilvo in. Ralaxy fiotit*TTglrl. Ken." European. HeT. rcfiuiren.

I4va in. cau collect. 3-emit. kkiTsr, Sea Cliff. in.

s-nog age cnunren, ITHKPRriorVfderly "cpi; WifVlwmT: invann. oay WK, xuu mo. Live in. iv Ht )l. KK KaJPF.

K. Live In Pvt tjatn. rjtKid refs. Ttt il lite In. Cotneulal Cathollo fam.

150 SK. 1-6771. Hill WnitK. cook breikfast. 6i mornings, japaneae. week. rilwt. TM-AM l-e I'a ems OV. VOTK. 5 davwic.

gun mo. Riclim. Inst, FIV. 0 17SS or HI! 1-13SH. ad dot.s LAl.iY, youn-hildcare.

It, hswk. Wilte Snarv. Refs. Ll In Marina 4HI' ad 3..1. MATLRr: woma.n to Veep house.

cook, cure tor crnioTen. nv. in. HIT. 1-7020.

ad 1 9 NT1RSB between 30-43. Take ear. cnuaren. -iti yrs. unving re- tilred.

Attractive room and oath, liillshorotigh area, salary 225 month, Dave of other than on weekends, TOP JiOCAl, RKlFERrCNCFS REerTlRF.r.. Writ Box M55S02, Fxamlnee giving complel information of self and Phong. A'llMAN, no" ties. R. C0l-Ing for one adult.

Sm. salary. Ltve in nrHi. 11 I. WOMAN assist wltlf'housewnrk snrl chtloren in doctor home.

Permanent. Gd. ml OX. 7-3S21. 133AHELrWAHTE6 (No Salary 1 rPL.

apt. wire oo nousewora. ju, a-ttiov IJANITOR Reeular. F.xch. service 1 or am.

moo. rurn, apt. uit. roi cole. IO hra.

wrk. wk. OR.3-P2 iLA DY Pension, or mid. aae. Car of 3 boys in exch, 2 rm.

turn apt. wutita. ju. -ouiu A NTyotinarVo'rinn "sniesT hoti.e Kxcel. rm.

and boards Oil. 3-7720 WOMAN wttn employed' husband tol manage ann maintain 1 unit apt house In exrhanee for beautifully turn, mod. Jr. 4 rm, apt. tio pu or cniinren.

ners. Bot Kramtner WOMAN, business to exch. It. aery. Ices.

Bahystt for hd. Pvt. rm. ana Dam, jij. 134- -Help Wontad, Mas and Women AGENTS SALESGIRLS SALESMEN $25 PER DAY moFrrcsT path cram.

PLUS BONUS NO EXPER. NEC CAR FTTRN. I FULL OR PART TIME Gigantic Sale Of ihe Year Exclusive Distribution FOR DU PONT'S NEW Norland Blankets Don't Pass Up This Offer APPLY READY FOR WORK I TO 10 AK, 1175 FOLSOM LA BORATSfiY" I I A Calif. lie $340 to start. Apply personnel Kaiser Hospital iif'try.

INSTRUCTORS, college clauses music theory, speech and drama JO.J-14.S.. Window Display Manager In Northern California's largest department atore. Kxccll.nt starting salary, chances for rapid advancement. Write to PALI'S, Eureka. slat previous experience end' all qualifications, AU rspUe si rictiy conn nil at 35Help Wanted.

Couplet APT. managing, malnt-aThing, etc" 1'larna pice salary. Meal inr aooer, iieaithy, retired epie. Box f.xiim n.r. mci rers.

iCOuPLfci 10 "mo- tei. roaie ag, experience ami rers. neniy. Hex 1196. Examiner.

iCOUPLB to work on "poultry rancfi r. it. nox una. sen Lomonil, HOUSjiiidCI) wurk'TIxper. couple.

nr.e Atnerton noma, must like cnii- uien. tiegin dept. 1U, rets, M-onriiM. To" ITFXP a "CHILD Io have l-iome ouen Your noor to Jackl. Child.

1VA. l-065 jur Part Tims Temporary Hela Wanted. Hen BOY. 1 Oriental. Latin, 18-19 vrs.

jMn.ircn oeii'er Kir neat niiiiie. Jart time. 1-138B. ad 3313 Mechanical Draftsman Soma experience In detailing eon veyor frames and structures to work under supervision of mechanical engineer for period 3 to! 4 months, mnv be permanent position. Cull Mr.

Aubry at UN. 3-5010 or HI. 3. 7771). sjaxes PART TIME Tnsuranca aeents to service present accounts, lr qualifiart.

complete training prngmm, career job, guaranteed Income phis commission. Men satinten1 with $150 pr week need not interview Akss 115 a'ii up. Must hnva hours ava-nine time availahia per week. FA ins. mroup 3Q.

tt 4471, riavs. HAHY BIT evsmnl'S and weekends. tm. call after a. or cusp, alt- neiner, 8 a.

nv Inn. WAi B-ir a fc orfenvales. It. hsswk Mon. thru Krl.

Prs. refa. 1,1 ve gut. CTTTTjD rare in uiv country' home. Lie.

Brt. JOS mo. Inranta 10 33 yra. -tcsu, au 4 CHILD CAfiW haawlfc. cooltinc Dy 'i werk.

Kefa. VA. 4-OTriit r.trman Inrty. MA. i hHnq ro IaNkjN to inrly and Unlit hswk, Have car, Live oub Good relfiennea.

PL. 194 8, COOK Exc. ConTlneniBl. ''AppracH en aiiu lamny who invea au. luoa.

2 p. m. 10 dinner, ian. rere. OR.

S-2M5 OIl.3 924 roorlNa-irbninjf. Expe'r, Japanaee IOOK' Karve evenfnff meal''xeel wfi. fl. aft. 1.

T.lra out. $15(1 mln. 8U, i enS nvr Exnerirmeeit Refa. JLJ. DAY work or Kueat bouee.

SI. 23 tc. refa. JO 7-0(iHL 'ngEWir. NentReliable, Jtafa.VAjjl-88H9.

AT work, S1.2S nr. plui car tare. MT T-Ori(l aV neat, dvpen ft ble. SI. 25 nr.

carrare. a1 l-eaii. work, babyslC" Gen. cleaning. Kern, wwnaoie.

A. a-w. JlOUSE Tare. Local rererancea. tu, o-nn3 can drive, love cnu-dren, pref.

eountry. Considered Kxo. refa. VA. 4-7riHO.

la bv Bpan-lah epeakine; lady. 14ve In. JA. l.Oftl'Jt Hfici. in a tn.

ITsvVK." maldeiper. Full or part time Rf. SU. 1-R294 Hot WORK, ren'l. Refn.

Will work any hours. HE, 1-75M. lloifaSwoRK. child cara or day wort, Ref. DB.

3 ri906 li olJSEWORK, general. Expernnd- Referencea. $1 hour. VA. 4-4227.

IioimtiWORK. cooking. day pik. afternoon TIT, S-27R2 TlOL'riRWOltlC or child care. Week enrla only.

1. 4-'Jua. 8 Mon. thru Frt. Rich.

dlst. pref. EV. Cien'l. AvaiT borne per day.

References. KL. 2-293J IldW7. or child care. "Live but Kxp.

Refa, VA. 4-TB91 IN FA NT rare, 1-2 habvuifS daya. No bsewn. kl. a-ufisa. work hr. BaiJV alt clean. i excel, ironer, party dlsbee. etc XAflYwcar wlsnea part time em- 1 pinymeni aa companion ir aamv. rree travel, ju, a-aug.

iTSllSTSnd girl. Liva in. JCxpTRef. S17S. su.

an 3(ix. tlRSK-Housekeeper: To ladv or couple, B.l". licenaea anver. ixcsii referenrea. su.

i-i itt. TiPKNthe door to your heart by hoina friNier narent to vnune. aters who need your love and the warmtn or your noma, wai' I'nnl 1 trwlflv A aeeka r.irt time poaltion aa companion to same. L.ipnt nsewoia. la.

-ti fFTERE la a foster child that would Ilka tn live with vou. For iiitorma tton call WA. l-06fiS. TAKiu a lotwly child Into your home. Call WA.

i-t63. Uilll wnrlr irueat. house- motel eie. nav wnn. f.

i-vtti. THKRE Is a foster child that would I1KO lO live ViU. mat Ion call WA. 1-UHM3. XX7A1TRKHS: Union For grave yard shift with Wed.

nigts Off. PR. 6 2764. AOt. 41 121 A Situation: Wontad Household Work.

Men COOK, European, 7 yr. exp. Also handyman with driver's he dee. position In Bay Area, LO d.07R7 B'A7Iiy'MAHt. painter, etc.

Full or part time. MI. S-595H Nfl fir. waxlna. win dow ale.

Rel. VA. 4-4003, 122 Sarvieai to Eiehange Women I No joiaryl BART Slttlne Kxi h. tor room ana board. Buameaa girl.

tl. o-tooo 23 Part Tim ft Tamporory Situations Wanted, Men ACCTT 15 yr. exp. deaires bkkpr. records, payroll mo.

ally. ROY TlTirh school. Strong, ambl- tlous, IntelltKent. deaires worn, r.mrerv. riruL-mnra.

butcher ahoo. r. ENr fc nvio 46 4 STUBftNT Days (or 3 mos. Car He Reliable. 4rSU.

1-13SB, a4i. Si'fifiENT, 25. evenlna-week end woi k. gy. 6-7166.

alter i24Situatieat Wanted-h Hen AUDITOR System method. Suprv. Credits s8U. 1-1386, ad 3857. BTkPnC-FC.

8.F. or Penlnsula- Ixial refa. PR, 5-7441 17, reliaDle, as apprentii.a. ween, tnci. Lnv.

nc. at, a-iuno 19, work factory, outside, stork. Exo. mall. LO.

4-1802. CALL Jackie and isk them" about foster children. WA. 10863 C'HKF Too man. Continental ciHine.

cpble. of Ige. oper rrerer CfXJIC, allround. Man club, amall diner nottse. no any- where, MA.

l-2a4. Rm.4is. vra. axrierience n. wllh written rererencea.

rt-L-utoi. ENGINE BrT.TSTSS. Otfers services, part time basis. lloavy experience. Peninsula only.

W'rlteJBox Examiner. Il AN YM AM. "auard. mechanic. watchman or auto metal worker.

wsu, ad 3113 Aggressive and capable, with IS yrs. experience aa shop machinist. Graduate of Henry Ford Trade School, Operated ahop lor owner. 1 yr. college.

Willing and able to produce Now employed. MO. 4-16S2; VAfN(tKNAN74rnanaEement, ex-Army, retired, slntrle, apt. 4-, Mnrlna nref. WA 4-10t.

SaS. exp. In clunHotcl work. Can prove ability. Rfs, Managed club, iioteia, owned own In F.aat.

If Interested, call C. R. Buckley, OR, ext. 607. HAN.

young, college fluent Spanish, writing 2 yrs. engrng, high speed typist, desire to make us of abilities. Mr. Patterson, TIT. n-9622.

n.m. VAT? 28, slfialer "wantgTo" learn trade aa podv-fender manma-chlniat plumber mechanic. Merit. Inclined, OV. 1-8308 Td Al-I, young, wants perm.

work. Any Kind. Dcunl, WK, 1-OW71. WAN 22 wants any kind of work. V.rl.

avn Ut G.I'llB SashkOk. sitilleii European sDorts ann neaitn, vrs. 01a, warns jou or studlOLAT. 8-4846. faKCJlANliJAL oi- shipping clerC: Aeo 21.

Exp. Refa. Ml, 7-7S66. rlliRSB'-Male. Private casei.

mai- ces etc, rn. a SBJ7 OFFICE cleaning or general Janl-n TUT T-SPftO. iiriai arter p. fAINTUR" aim antTlredec. 15 vrs.

refa. UN. 1-0477. tm. Steady, wS" l-138d ad4491 FALliS 327'earealh bus.

arlm asp. In acefg. and supply, Inter- aatad In enlea career. HU. 1-13811, ad 3W and receiving eierK.

ir, veteran, ill, air s.702n. mi 33. I'KCHNtClAN TV. radio. Age 31.

1 'i vra henrh en have latest omrL shop equip. VA. d-244t, TltucK nriter, tiellvery. some cier lcnl work. Extorters.

IITC. young, sliisle, thoro. exn. tn nluraninx supplies. II around worker, oe what have yotij pnx 309.

F.xam. (CnnHnMed'on NexfTage) 141 Kin Si. BtJ. atore. ju.


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.